A Spoof
If you have studied “Management” – you will be aware of various “Motivation Theories” which you can use to “motivate”
employees working in the civilian industry/corporate sector/offices.
A few of these “Employee Motivation Theories” which I have heard of are listed below:
1. Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
2. ERG Motivation Theory Alderfer
3. McClelland Achievement and Acquired
Needs Theory
4. Stacey Adams Equity Theory
5. Herzberg Hygiene Factors and Motivators
6. Vroom Expectancy Motivation Theory
7. Hackman and Oldham Job
Characteristics Model
If you surf the internet – you will
find a deluge of information of “motivation” and “motivation theories”.
Ostensibly – these same civilian
motivation theories are applicable to the military as well.
That is what was told to me at the
numerous “Defence Management” courses I attended from time to time as a part of
my “Officership Training”.
However – what I observed during
my long military career, in the navy, was totally different.
In the Military – FEAR is used as
the prime motivator.
In fact – Military Law and
Rules/Regulations have been framed in such a way as to inspire fear in the
hearts of those subject to these laws/rules/regulations.
You don’t believe me?
Just read ‘The Navy Act, 1957’
Most Chapters/Sections of this Act
are devoted to discipline, punishments, court-martial etc – and – if any
aspirant reads ‘The Navy Act’ – he/she may think twice before signing up.
(To be fair to the Navy – I remember
that it was mentioned in our appointment letter that we should obtain a copy of
The Navy Act, 1957 – and we were advised to read it to familiarize ourselves about the Navy before joining – they had even
given details of Law Book Stores where it would be available)
Well – I am not familiar with Army
and Air Force Acts/Rules/Regulations – but I can guess – that just like Navy Act/Regulations
– they too have been designed to inspire fear – because – probably – the Military
believes that “Fear is the Key to Discipline”.
As we discussed earlier – in the
Military – FEAR is used as the ‘Prime Motivator’.
The Rules/Regulations ensure that
a military officer is permanently under the fear of “disciplinary action” –
from the day he joins the military – till he retires from service and becomes a
civilian again.
However – there are other “fears”
employed to “motivate” you at various stages of your military career.
A Cadet is “motivated” by the “fear
of physical punishment”.
Any “mistake” committed by a cadet
is “rewarded” by various kinds of physical/corporal punishments.
Once a cadet passes out of the
academy and becomes an officer – he enjoys a relatively good life – till he approaches
the select rank “promotion zone”.
As he spends these crucial years of his military career – doing “criteria appointments/courses” – the officer is overcome
by “career fear” – and “fear of supersession” becomes the main motivator.
Suppose the officer gets promoted –
and remains in the “rat race” – this “fear of supersession” will continue to “motivate”
him till such time he finally gets passed over for promotion.
Once an officer has been passed
over for promotion – the “fear of supersession” ceases to be a “motivator”.
Now – after supersession – the superseded officer
can be “motivated” by the “fear of transfer” or “posting fear”.
This last “motivator” can be effectively
used till the officer finally retires from service.
Of course – there are some “mavericks”
who are beyond motivation.
As Cadets – they are willing to
undergo any amount of physical hardships – they are least afraid of punishments – and they are not bothered about restrictions/relegations.
Later – as Officers – they don’t
care two hoots about promotion and posting – yes – I have seen officers who are not bothered about promotion – and they are prepared to go anywhere on posting.
These “fearless” individuals who
are beyond “motivation” are the happy officers who truly enjoy every moment of
their military life.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This story is a spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All Stories in this Blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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