Short Fiction
A Story
May 1972
At the height of the scorching summer of
1972 – two boys sweated it out in the dilapidated drawing hall of the College
of Engineering Pune (COEP).
The two boys were appearing for IIT-JEE –
the Joint Entrance Examination for admission to the prestigious Indian
Institutes of Technology (IITs).
From time to time – the antiquated
structure vibrated and reverberated as a train thundered close by on the
adjoining railway tracks on the south-east mainline from Pune to Mumbai (then
called Bombay).
For two full days – Saturday, the 6th
of May 1972 and Sunday, the 7th of May 1972 – the two boys sat in the sweltering
heat – writing 4 papers – in English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry –
analytical and subjective – each paper of 3 hours duration – 2 papers per day –
one in the morning – one in the afternoon.
The papers were tough – and the two boys
thought and thought – till their brains went blank – and they wrote and wrote –
till their fingers ached – and finally – when it all ended – they collapsed in
agony with the sheer mental and physical exhaustion of it all.
While the boys wrote the IIT-JEE exam
inside – their fathers waited outside – for the entire two days.
The fathers had personally escorted the
boys to the exam venue at COEP in Shivajinagar from their homes in Sadashiv Peth – and back
– hiring auto-rickshaws – which was a luxury for the lower middle-class.
During the exam lunch-break – the boys’ mothers
– Asha and Usha – came down from their homes bringing cool buttermilk
and freshly cooked hot lunch for the boys.
At the end of the exam – both boys said
that they had done well – and the parents were happy.
They all lived in Madiwale Colony – a
middle class locality in Sadashiv Peth Pune – where most parents with bright
sons had one ambition – their son should get into an IIT – and there he would
strive for a 9+ point CGPA – a passport to the “land of opportunity” – for
higher studies in a good university – the best way for a middle-class boy to
migrate abroad – to realize his American Dream – and then – he would find a
suitable “NRI” groom for his sister there – so that she could follow.
But in the story I am narrating – the two boys were the “only child” of their parents – and their parents had left no stone
unturned to ensure that their sons successfully cleared the IIT-JEE.
Both the fathers worked as clerks in a
government office.
They cycled to their offices every day on
their old bicycles.
Both of them had sacrificed their dreams
of buying a scooter – using the money to pay for IIT Coaching Classes for their
The two mothers too had done all they
could to facilitate the studies of their sons – in fact – for the last two years – as their sons were preparing for the IIT-JEE – both mothers thought of nothing else and they were totally were obsessed with their respective son’s studies.
The two families were next door
neighbours – they were best friends and had developed a very close
Now – after the ordeal was over – the parents were happy – the boys
had said that they had done well in the exam – and they all eagerly awaited the
IIT-JEE results which would be announced in early June.
June 1972
The IIT-JEE results were declared.
Asha’s son successfully cleared the
However – Usha’s son did not qualify in
the IIT-JEE.
And – this changed the relationship
between their parents – especially between the mothers – Asha and Usha.
Asha celebrated her son’s success in
lavish style – she held a Puja
followed by a lavish dinner – for which the entire neighbourhood was invited.
Asha was ecstatic with joy: “I am so happy
my son has got into IIT…” she told everyone.
Asha loudly boasted about her son’s
achievement in the presence of Usha – and made certain boastful remarks – which
were perceived as sarcastic and insulting by Usha – and this caused a fissure
in their relationship which was beyond repair.
in due course – Asha’s son went for counseling to IIT
Powai at Mumbai – and soon – he joined the same IIT for the B. Tech. Course in
Electrical Engineering.
Usha’s son – who had failed to clear the
IIT Entrance Exam – joined the local college for the First Year B. Sc. Course
(FY) – and he would try for admission to the local Engineering College after
his FY.
Those days – you joined IIT after your
Pre-Degree (PD/ Class 11) – for the 5 Year B. Tech. Course.
And – you joined other Engineering
Colleges after completing your First Year B. Sc. (FY) for the 4 Year BE Course.
The next year – Usha’s son got admission
in the local Engineering College.
After completing his B. Tech. – like most
IIT graduates – Asha’s son migrated to the US to complete his MS at a
prestigious University – and thereafter – he stayed on in the US to realize his “American Dream”.
After finishing his BE – Usha’s son took
a job in the local industry in Pune.
As Asha’s son flourished in America – like
most ‘parents of NRIs’ – their lifestyle changed – and after some time – Asha
and her husband relocated to a posh apartment in the upmarket locality of
Deccan Gymkhana – which was bought by their NRI son.
For Usha and her husband – nothing much
changed – and they continued to live in Madiwale Colony in Sadashiv Peth.
The ‘emotional distance’ due to the
fissure in their relationship – and the ‘physical distance’ between their homes – resulted in Asha and Usha losing close contact with each other.
Even on rare occasions when their paths
crossed – Usha scrupulously avoided Asha
– and on seeing this – Asha started doing likewise – so – even when they came
across each other – Asha and Usha did not talk to each other.
A few years later – Usha’s son bought a
flat in a distant suburb near his factory (those days – decent housing was
quite affordable in such remote suburbs of Pune).
Usha and her husband vacated their rented
home in Madiwale Colony and moved to live with their son and daughter-in-law as
a ‘joint family’.
After this – Asha and Usha totally lost
contact with each other.
43 years later
June 2015
By now – both Asha and Usha were old
widows in their 80’s.
Asha’s son was now well-settled in
Earlier – Asha frequently visited her son
and daughter-in-law in America for ‘nanny duties’ – but – after a few years –
when her grandchildren grew up – and with her son and daughter-in-law busy in
the careers – Asha felt bored and ‘unwelcome’ – and so – she stopped her visits
to America.
As I told you earlier – Usha lived with
her son and daughter-in-law in a suburb of Pune – and over the years – this
once remote suburb had now become a much sought after locality.
Whereas Asha’s ‘American’ son had
achieved spectacular material success – Usha’s son had a reasonable career in
the industry and would happily retire in a few years – and they all lived
together as a ‘joint family’ – Usha – her son and daughter-in-law – and her
grandchildren who were now in college.
One evening – Usha ran into Asha at a
wedding reception at a hotel near Deccan Gymkhana.
In the presence of the newlyweds – to
keep up appearances – Asha and Usha exchanged fake smiles of forced geniality.
After the event was over – Usha’s son saw
Asha struggling to walk with the help of a walking stick – so went up to help
Usha’s son offered to drop Asha home.
“Thanks – but it is okay – I will go
by taxi – the reception will call a cab for me…” Asha said.
“Why call a cab…? I will drop you in my
car. You live in the same place in Deccan Gymkhana, isn’t it…?” Usha’s son
“No – I don’t live there anymore…” Asha
“Oh – so you have shifted to a better house…?”
Usha asked.
Asha looked at Usha – then she looked at Usha’s son –
and – after a pause – Asha said: “No – I haven’t shifted to a better house – I live in an ‘Old
Age Home’…”
“Old Age Home…?” Usha’s son asked, surprised.
“Yes – it is quite far away – please call
a cab for me…” Asha said.
“No – No – we will drop you…” Usha said.
They all got into the car – Usha and Asha
in the rear – and Usha’s son and his wife in front.
After a long time – Asha and Usha talked –
about their sons – their grandchildren – their husbands – and about themselves –
about the 43 years gone by.
When they reached the ‘Old Age Home’ –
Asha said to Usha: “Do you remember how happy I was when my son had got into
IIT…? Now – I sometimes wish that he had not got into IIT…”
“What are you saying…?” Usha said.
“Yes – those days – it was my life’s
desire that my son clears the IIT Entrance Exam, does well at IIT and then goes
abroad to America – and I was so happy when he was selected for IIT – but – nowadays
– when I feel lonely – waiting for death in the ‘old age home’ – sometimes – I really
feel that it would have been better if my son had not passed the IIT Entrance
Exam – yes – it would have been much better if he had not got into IIT…” Asha
said, with tears in her eyes.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
This story is a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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