Humor in
A Spoof
The moment we reported to Naval Academy
(NAVAC) Cochin (Kochi) – we were asked the quintessential question:
did you join the Navy…?”
Most of us gave unimaginative stereotyped
answers which everyone had heard before.
Acting Sub Lieutenant “M” was different.
He said: “I
joined the Navy to drink.”
(Those days – the first Officer Rank in the Army/Navy/Air Force
was Second Lieutenant (2nd Lt)/Acting Sub Lieutenant (Ag Sub
Lt)/Pilot Officer (P/O)respectively. In 2006 – thanks to the AVS Cadre Review
Bonanza – this lowest officer rank was abolished – and Officers were commissioned as Lieutenants/Sub
Lieutenants/Flying Officers in the Army/Navy/Air Force respectively – which were
the ranks above the erstwhile “2nd Lt”/“Ag Sub Lt”/“Pilot Officer” which
were the lowest officer ranks earlier)
The Officer-in-charge and Staff Officers of NAVAC
thought “M” was joking – but “M” was
dead serious – he had indeed joined the Navy to drink.
We were “University Entry Officers”.
We were selected via the “University Entry
Scheme” (UES) – an “Earn while you Learn” Recruitment Scheme – which was highly
successful in attracting the best Engineering talent.
Under the UES – Navy Selection Teams visited
premier Engineering Colleges/IITs/RECs (NITs) at the beginning of our pre-final
year – and they interviewed and shortlisted candidates – who had to appear
before a Services Selection Board (SSB) at Allahabad, Bhopal or Bangalore.
Those selected by the SSB and found medically fit
were offered a commission as an Officer in the Navy from the beginning of the
final year of Engineering.
So – we were Naval Officers drawing handsome pay during
our final year of Engineering – owing to which we enjoyed great prestige and relative affluence as compared to our fellow student classmates.
On completion of our B. Tech. / BE courses –
we joined the Naval Academy for Basic and Divisional (B&D) Training.
We had heard that “M” had taken his appointment letter (as an officer in the Indian
Navy) to a Military Unit near his college and managed to get a Liquor Card from
the Unit CSD Canteen which enabled him to enjoy his full “quota” of booze during
his final year of Engineering.
Coming back to the Naval Academy – on our
very first “liberty” a month later – while we headed for Movie Halls and
Restaurants in Ernakulam – “M” rushed
to nearest Bar to get gloriously
In fact – “M” enjoyed himself so much – downing peg after peg – to “cure” his “thirst” – that he passed out ‘dead drunk’ in the
Luckily for “M” – a ‘Good Samaritan’ saw his Navy ID Card – and he carried the blissfully
‘comatose’ “M” into his car – drove down to the Naval Base – and deposited “M”
outside the OOD’s Office.
This episode resulted in some heavy “punishments” and “restrictions” for “M” – including cancellation of
his ‘liberty’ (‘shore leave’ in Navy Jargon) till the end of the term – since the “powers-that-be” realized that
“M” meant business – as far as his
reason for joining the Navy was concerned.
However – “M” was not to be deterred from his aim – and – within a few days – he used his
initiative to get access to booze.
As I told you – we were already Officers when
we joined the Naval Academy (NAVAC) – and we were drawing full pay and
So – we dined in the Officers’ Wardroom – the
Southern Naval Area (SNA) Wardroom Officers Mess.
[A few years later – SNA was upgraded to SNC
(Southern Naval Command)]
Of course – since we were not allowed to wear
stripes during training – we dined in a separate “Gun Room” – but – we were
full-fledged members of the Wardroom Mess.
There were no “free” authorized rations those
days – so – as officers – we paid for our food – unlike cadets – who dined in cadet dining
halls in the Academy and got free food.
During Basic Training – we were not
officially allowed to drink liquor – but we were permitted to smoke – and we
bought our cigarettes at the Wardroom Bar by signing chits – since we were
full-fledged members of the Wardroom Mess.
On working day evenings – we dined in “Red
Sea Rig” uniform.
On Weekends/Sundays/Holidays – we were
permitted to wear “civvies”.
One Sunday evening – while we were buying
cigarettes at the Bar – “M” asked
the steward for a Large Peg of Rum – and – with confident flourish – “M” signed a chit for the Rum.
The steward served “M” a Large Peg of Rum.
It was as simple as that.
From then on – every evening – “M” would sneak out from his cabin during
the pre-dinner “Study Hour” – and head for the Bar for his daily quota – and then
join us for dinner in the “Gun Room”.
Once our Basic Training was over – and we
passed out of the Naval Academy – we could officially drink all the liquor we
wanted to – especially top class “duty free” foreign liquor on ships – and for “M” – this was the bonanza for which he had joined the Navy.
“M” enjoyed his bachelor days “soaked in alcohol” – imbibing
all the booze he could lay his hands on.
For “M”
– it was the happiest time of his life – and the Navy was the best thing that had happened to him.
Sadly – one day – “M” got married – and he got a “tough cookie” wife – who cracked
down heavily on his drinking.
In fact – his redoubtable wife banned alcohol
in the house – and she kept an “eagle eye” on her husband at parties – so “M” would surreptitiously gulp a quick “down
the hatch” peg of Rum whenever he got an opportunity – followed by some cardamom
(Elaichi) to mask the smell of alcohol.
A few years later – “M” landed up for an advanced specialization course at IAT Pune –
where I was his instructor.
Every evening – “M” would tell his wife that he wanted to “clear some doubts” about
the subject I was teaching him – and he would land up my house.
Of course – there were no “doubts” he wanted
“M” would have 3 quick pegs of Rum at my place – and then
head home.
When his wife questioned him on his “happy”
state – “M” would plead that I was
his instructor – so how could he refuse my generous offer of a drink.
M’s wife blamed me for “spoiling” her husband – and – one day
– she had her revenge.
On Holi evening – when I was taking a long
evening walk to sober up from the boisterous morning celebrations – M’s wife waved out to me and called me to
her lawn.
was probably sleeping inside – he had “passed out” in the morning after surreptitiously
downing huge amounts of a deadly cocktail of Rum and Beer – his wife had
permitted him one bottle of Beer as a special case for the occasion).
M’s wife looked charmingly at me – and she said that she would
give me something to cure my hangover.
After some time – M’s wife emerged from kitchen – and – with an innocent smile – she served me
a glass of Khus “Sherbet”.
What I did not know was that M’s wife had laced the cool green Khus “Sherbet” with a heavy dose of “Bhang”.
She had slipped me a potent “Mickey Finn” –
and I naively drank the “Bhang” spiked cool drink.
What happened thereafter…?
Well – that is another story…
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This is a spoof, satire, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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