Slice of Life Fiction
In the Navy – as basic
courtesy – we were taught to address all persons by their names – whether they
were Naval Officers, Sailors, Dockyard “Mateys” or Civilians – so I always like
to call all persons I meet by their names.
That is why I make it
a point to ask a person his or her name whenever I interact with anyone.
One morning – I went
to the bank for some work.
I was directed to a
counter where a lady customer service manager was sitting.
As is my custom – I
asked the young lady her name.
“Prajakta…” she said.
She was pretty
efficient – and on completion of the bank work – I thanked “Prajakta” – and I wished
her a ‘Good Day’.
From the bank – I
walked down to my CA’s office in connection with my tax return.
He assigned my work to
a young student – who was doing her ‘articleship’.
I asked the young girl
her name.
“Prajakta…” she said.
What a coincidence –
meeting two girls named “Prajakta” within a few minutes.
In Marathi – “Prajakta”
is the name of a fragrant flower – a nice name for a girl.
I jogged my memory.
In recent times – I
remembered having come across only one “Prajakta” – a young student who was my
daughter’s college classmate.
In earlier times – I
did not recall knowing any girl called “Prajakta”.
But now – “Prajakta”
seemed to be quite a popular name.
I checked my email on my smartphone – and I saw a message from a journalist who wanted to interact
with me regarding an article she was writing.
Guess what the
journalist’s name was…?
You guessed right –
her name was “Prajakta”.
This was a real
pleasant “happenstance” – coming across 3 girls called “Prajakta” in just a few
I came back home - and while waiting for the lift - I glanced at the huge board showing the names of the owners of the flats in our residential society.
Believe it or not – there was a “Prajakta” there too – and just imagine – I had never noticed it all these days.
This was too much of a coincidence – 4 “Prajaktas” in one day...!
A few hours later –
while I was going down in the lift to the ground floor – on the way for my
evening walk – a young couple – a boy and a girl – got into the lift at a lower
The Boy – a “Techie” –
a familiar face – pointed to his companion – and he said shyly to me: “Uncle –
this is my fiancée.”
The girl smiled coyly
at me.
I smiled at the girl
and asked her: “By any chance – is your name ‘Prajakta’…?”
The girl seemed
baffled – and giving me a look of bewilderment – she asked me: “How do you know
that my name is ‘Prajakta’…?
I just laughed – and I
quickly exited from the lift – which had reached the ground floor.
As I walked away – I
could sense the boy and the girl walking behind me – and I could hear snippets
of their conversation…
“How does he know that
your name is ‘Prajakta’…? Do you know him…?”
“I really don’t know –
I have never met this man before…”
Dear Reader:
By any chance – is your
name “Prajakta”…?
Or – do you know any
girls called “Prajakta”…?
I really think “Prajakta”
is a lovely name for girls.
I told you earlier that
“Prajakta” is the name of a fragrant flower.
I surfed the net – and
I found an interesting story about the “Prajakta” Flower in a Blog called “Grandma’s Stories” (url: )
With due
acknowledgement to “Grandma” – I am taking the liberty of posting the story
below slightly edited for your convenience:
Naarad Muni is known to create
misunderstanding among Gods, which used to be the reason of fights.
Lord Indra planted a tree in Indralok
with beautiful little white flowers, with four to eight petals with vibrant
dark orange tube.
This tree was called Parijat or Prajakta
and had highly fragrant flowers. The flowers opened at night, spreading their
fragrance. The Prajakta flowers were called God’s Flower.
There is a story behind it.
Naarad Muni brought some Prajakta flowers
from Indralok – and he gave them to Lord Krishna.
He wanted to see to whom Lord Krishna would
give them.
He saw that Lord Krishna gave them to
Naarad Muni immediately went to
Satyabhama and informed her about it.
Satyabhama went to Lord Krishna and she insisted
to him to bring the tree of Prajakta.
According to his nature – Naarad Muni
went to Lord Indra and said somebody from earth is soon going to steal the
Prajakta tree to plant it there.
Lord Krishna went to Indralok with
A battle took place between Lord Krishna
and Lord Indra.
Lord Krishna was successful in taking the
Prajakta tree – but Lord Indra gave a curse that the plant would never bear
fruits – but may only bear flowers.
The Prajakta flowers bloom at night – and
shed before sunrise.
Lord Krishna planted the Prajakta tree in
such a manner at Satyabhama’s house that when it bore flowers – they would fall
at Rukhmini’s house.
Satyabhama wanted the tree and she got it.
Rukhmini wanted the flowers and she got
I found another interesting blog post about the meaning of the name “Prajakta” at url:
Hey – I have digressed.
Now – having met 5 “Prajaktas” in just one day – I am eagerly waiting for the 6th “Prajakta” – so – let’s see when I meet a girl called “Prajakta” once again – online or offline...
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This story is a spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All Stories in this Blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)

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