Thursday, April 7, 2022

Success “Mantra”





How to “succeed” in your career

Tips by Vikram Karve





Tips on “How to Succeed” are best written by “Failures”.

If you have failed to succeed – in hindsight – you can introspect – and discover why you “failed” – and – why others “succeeded”.

I am a “failure” – I have “failed” in almost all aspects of life – personal and professional.

That’s why I keep giving “tips” in the numerous “self-help” articles I write on various aspects of life – and try to enunciate them in my fiction stories too.

As far as my Navy Career was concerned – I was “passed over” for promotion – or – to put it metaphorically – I “fell by the wayside”.

So – let me “pontificate” on “how to succeed in your career”.

Though I learnt this “truth” the hard way in the Navy – I feel this applies to all professions and organizations – civil, military, bureaucracy, academia, corporate, business – even politics.





I thought that factors like performance, diligence, professional competence, hard work, delivering results etc. were the key to success.

I was wrong.

My classmates, my course-mates, my shipmates, my work colleagues, my juniors, and, even my seniors – they will vouch for my professional proficiency, work competence, sincerity, ingenuity and consistent performance.

In fact – even after I was superseded for promotion – and I had no external motivation to perform well at my job – I performed superbly and delivered results in whatever job I was entrusted with.

However – on the whole – it can be said that I “failed” in my career – since – in the navy (and military) – getting promoted to high rank is the only measure of career success.

It is, therefore, quite clear that performance does not guarantee success in your career.

Then – what is the key to success…?

The answer – “Patronage”.





When I observed those who had “succeeded” – I realized that most of them had powerful “patrons” who helped them rise in their careers.

Some “patrons” were unashamedly visible – and – in some cases the “patronage” was more subtle.

I have observed – that in all walks of life – having a “patron” is a much more effective way to success than conventional ways like diligence, competence and performance etc.


(A “patron” is someone higher than you in your organization who can help you rise in your career)


So – if you want to “succeed” in your career – you must acquire a “patron” as early as possible in your career.

Professional Competence and Performance alone (without “patronage”) may not be sufficient to guarantee “success” – but – if your job performance is excellent and you have a strong “patron” too – then it is a winning combination.

Yes – the combination of “Performance + Patronage” will ensure great “success” in your career.

However – sometimes – mere “Patronage” can help you rise in your career – as I have observed in many cases.  

So – if you want to succeed in your career – wherever you are – you must acquire a “patron” as early as possible in your career.





When you join an organization – the first thing you must do is to acquire a “patron”.

As I said earlier – a “patron” is a person higher than you in the organizational hierarchy who can help you rise in your career.


1. Firstly – your “patron” must be at a higher position than you in the organizational hierarchy


2. Secondly – and most importantly – your “patron” must be in a position to help you rise in your career – your “patron” must have the power and clout to help you in your career.


Sometimes – to start with – your boss may be a suitable “patron”.

Or – if your boss himself has no clout in the organization – or – is “out of favour” with the “top brass” – then your boss may a liability as a “patron”.

You need to find the best “patron” who can help you rise in your career.

Once you have done your “research” and found out a suitable “patron” – you need to “motivate” the “patron”.

There is a saying:

“An unmotivated patron is no patron”.

Your “patron” must have something to gain by helping you.

On the other hand – your “patron” must have something to lose by not helping you.

What is it that you can give your “patron”…?

How can you “motivate” your “patron” to help you…”

Think about it.

If you observe – you will see many examples of how people “motivate” their “patrons” – some “pleasant” – and some “sleazy” – some “bizarre”.


Dear Reader – please don’t confuse “patronage” with “friendship”.

Friendship is different from the relationship between a patron and his protégé.

In friendship – there is no “quid pro quo” – you help a friend without expecting anything in return.

In the patron-protégé relationship – there is always a “quid pro quo” or some mutual benefit to both – tangible or intangible. It is transactional relationship.





You must have your antennas up and ears to the ground about the fortunes of your “patrons” and be adept at changing patrons – if the need arises.

Suppose you realize that your “patron” can no longer help you rise in your career – you must “dump” him and quickly find a new “patron”.

Remember – if your “patron” falls out of favour with the “top brass” – you may be “victimized” – if you are branded as being in his “coterie”.

Or – your “patron” may leave the organization – or be transferred.

You must be adept at switching patrons when the need arises.


(In the Military/Navy – your boss is “useful” to you as long as he is writing your ACR – so – it is wise to practice “ACR Patronage”…)





“Patronage” is “synergistic” in nature.

The combined effect of multiple patrons is much more than the sum of individual effect of each patron.

This is because all your patrons will discuss your “qualities” among themselves and this will reinforce your “spoken reputation” which will greatly help your career prospects.

Also – having multiple patrons makes it easy for you to dump a patron who has ceased to be useful to you.

One has to be ruthless – there is no concept of loyalty in patronage.

I had said earlier that “patronage” and “friendship” are different.

Loyalty is important in friendship – but – in patronage it is “quid pro quo” – tangible or intangible.

There is no “ethics’ in patronage – it is only “utility value”.





If you look carefully – you will observe that patronage is the key to success in most walks of life – politics, business, corporate, industry, academia, bureaucracy, even in the military.

Blood Relationships – or acquired relationships via marriage or acquaintance [old-school-tie, alumni, institutional and regimental loyalties, caste, creed, linguistic, social and regional groups, same-place-types, similar interests groups (golf, racing, hobbies etc.)] – these types of “Nepotism Patronage” seems quite prevalent.

If you have a parent or “blood relation” as a patron it is good – otherwise you can marry the daughter or son of a “top brass” in order to win his “patronage”.

You must have seen some “sleazy” and “slimy” ways of winning “patronage” – and some “debauched” and “immoral” ways too.

I shall leave this to your observation and imagination – and I shall not bore you with my “pontification”.

However – in a subsequent blog post – I shall tell you about some bizarre and unique ways of acquiring “patrons” – that I observed during my long Navy Career.



Copyright © Vikram Karve 
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

1. This story is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
3. E&OE

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