Military Wisdom – The Most Important OLQ
(Officer Like Quality)
A Spoof
During our training days – many senior
officers were invited to give us talks on “Officer Like Qualities” (OLQ) – and give
us tips on how to succeed in our Naval Careers.
Some officers gave us inspirational “pep
talks” – some pontificated – giving us sermons on “Do’s and Don’ts” – and some
tried to motivate us with “moral lectures”.
But there was one unique officer who was
He said: “The aim of an officer is to get promoted.”
We were taken aback.
Seeing the expression in our faces – he reiterated:
“Yes, gentlemen – you heard me right. Your
primary aim is to get promoted. All other things are secondary. In the military – only one thing matters –
the rank you wear on your shoulders. That is all that matters. Nothing else
matters. Just remember that. So – wherever you are – analyze the situation – especially
study your boss – your IO – the Officer who will be writing your Annual
Confidential Report (ACR) – and work towards getting a good ACR. In the
military – promotion depends on your ACRs – all that matters is your ACRs – so
you must ensure that you get the best ACRs – for this you will have to be
flexible and smart – you must adapt yourself depending on the likes and
dislikes of your boss – since different officers have different yardsticks. Some
bosses value professional performance – others value personal loyalty – and
others – well – it is very subjective and varies from person to person. In
every appointment – be alert – do your homework well – be smart – and ensure that
you are in sync with your boss – and make sure you get outstanding ACRs at any
cost. If you do this – you will succeed – and you will reach high rank.”
At that point of time – we were young naïve
idealistic officers.
We believed in romantic virtues like ‘moral
values’ and ‘ethical principles’.
We were inspired by patriotic fervor.
We genuinely believed in the ‘military ethos’
enshrined in the “Chetwode Motto”:
“The safety, honour and welfare of your
country comes first, always and every time.
The honour, welfare and comfort of the
men you command comes next.
Your own ease, comfort and safety comes
last, always and every time”
We were inspired by jingoistic slogans like “Service before Self”.
That is why we were appalled when we heard this
senior officer telling us:
“The cardinal aim of an officer is to get promoted”
He was advising us that in order to achieve
this prime objective – we must ensure sure that we get outstanding ACRs at any
It was ironic.
This senior officer was an alumnus of the celebrated
military training institution whose motto was “Service before Self”.
Despite this – he was propagating the exact
opposite – and exhorting us to put “Self
before Service”.
His “Self
before Service” dictum seemed the exact opposite of what we believed in at
that point of time.
That is why we were shocked and disappointed
with this officer’s lecture.
This officer was propounding exactly the
opposite of the values we cherished.
At first we thought that this officer was
joking – maybe he was employing a rather sarcastic sense of humor just to
entertain us.
But later – we realized that this officer
“walked his talk”.
He was not a hypocrite – he practiced what he
By “managing” his career astutely – by focusing
on getting the best ACRs – by doing the right courses and appointments – by
being in the right place at the right time under the right boss – by deploying
all his resources – professional, personal, familial – towards realizing his
prime objective of getting promoted – he had succeeded in attaining the highest
possible rank and the most prestigious appointment in his branch.
As I said – at that point of time – after
hearing his “pep talk” lecture on OLQ – I was quite skeptical.
I realized the true wisdom of his words 20
years later – when I witnessed an incident which convinced me – albeit too late
in life – that – in the military: “The
primary aim of an officer is to get promoted”.
This defining incident – and many other
similar experiences throughout my long navy career – convinced me that in the
military – it was only your rank that mattered.
In fact – even after retirement – this
obsession with rank continues – for various retirement facilities like ECHS
Healthcare, CSD Canteens etc.
Witness the latest “battle” being waged by
retired military veterans for OROP (One Rank
One Pension).
Even after retirement – for military veterans
– “Rank” is the cardinal factor – since it is your rank that will determine
your pension – unlike civilians – whose pension is primarily determined by
years of service – which seems more just and fair.
Tell me – why should a Brigadier who retires
after 25 years service get more pension that a Colonel who retires after 30
years service?
If you ask this question to any “fauji” –
serving or retired – he will give you the quintessential military rhetoric:
“Rank Has Its Privileges”.
The Military (Army Navy and Air Force)
recognizes Rank – and is blind to everything else – including logic, reasoning
or rationale.
By definition – the “superior” officer is the
one who holds higher rank (and not higher intellect or qualifications).
Whenever there is a disagreement – professional,
managerial, ethical or otherwise – the views of the higher ranking officer
always prevail.
If there is an issue between two officers – the senior is always right.
If there is a perk or privilege to be given –
the senior gets it first.
The Navy is a uniformed service – like the
Army and Air Force.
A unique feature of a uniformed service is that your rank
is visible to all – since you wear your rank badges or stripes
on your shoulder.
This is not so in the civilian world where your
“rank” is known only to your workplace colleagues.
In the military – Rank has its Privileges
(RHIP) in all aspects of life – professional, social and personal.
In fact – if you are in the military – your
rank is the “be-all and end-all” of life – from “womb” to “tomb”.
Like I said – thanks to OROP – even your
pension depends on your rank – and not on your years of service, as in the case
of civilians, who get equitable pension due to ACP, NFU, NFFU etc.
And while in service – there is visible and
blatant ‘rank based discrimination’ in all aspects of life – professional,
personal, social and familial.
This RHIP concept is sometimes taken to ridiculous limits – and even liquor quota depends on rank – the higher your rank – the more booze you get.
Yes – your rank is the “be-all and end-all” of life in the defence services.
That is why – as the shrewd senior officer
said in his pep-talk:
“The primary aim of an officer is to get promoted to high
rank at any cost.”
You don’t agree?
Let me tell you a story.
Now – as an illustrative example of RHIP –
let me tell you about an unforgettable incident which happened more than 15
years ago.
One evening – after returning from work – I walked
to the reception counter of our Navy Command Officers Mess to collect my cabin
I was delighted to see “B” sitting in waiting area.
“B” was around 2 years
senior to me.
I knew “B”
since our training days – and I had the highest respect and regard for him.
“B” was truly a first-rate
officer in all aspects – he was professionally competent, morally upright – and
he had the best “Officer Like Qualities” (OLQ).
As young Lieutenants – in the late 1970’s – “B” and I had served in sister ships of
the frigate squadron in the fleet.
Whenever I needed help or advice – I knew that
I could always turn to “B” – who was always ready to help any of
his fellow officers.
After that – we went our different ways – transferred
all over – depending on where our respective appointments took us.
As they say – the navy is a place of
transient acquaintanceships – where friendships are like passing ships.
And now – after a gap of more than 20 years –
I was meeting “B” again.
Sadly – despite being an excellent officer – “B” had been passed over for promotion
– so – in naval parlance – “B” was a
‘superseded’ officer.
“B” had come on Temporary
Duty for a ‘conference’.
“B” was waiting as there
was some problem in allocation of a cabin for him.
He told me that another officer “A” (who had come with him from Vizag)
was trying to sort out the issue.
“A” was around 5 years
junior to “B”.
In fact “A”
had been a student of “B” during
specialization courses where “B” had
been A’s instructor.
Later – “A”
had worked under “B” both ashore
and afloat – where “B” has been A’s direct boss.
“A” had the highest
respect for “B” who had taught him
and also been an excellent boss who had guided him in the early days of his naval career.
Now – the tables were turned – and “A” outranked “B” – since “A” had
been recently promoted to the rank of Captain – whereas “B” remained a Commander – having been permanently superseded.
Now – since everything is ‘rank based’ in the
navy – the ‘powers-that-be’ had decreed that ‘Captains and above’ were to be
given Air-conditioned Cabins in the main block of the mess – and ‘Commanders
and below’ were to be accommodated in the shabby cabins in the annexe.
“A” tried his best to
convince the Mess Secretary – “A” told
the Mess Secretary that “B” was much
senior in service – “A” even volunteered
to swap cabins with “B” – but the
Mess Secretary would not budge – and he said to “A”: “Rules are rules – as far as I am concerned – “B” is just a Commander and he will be
allotted a cabin in the annexe. It is not my fault that he got superseded – in
any case – why have you brought a ‘written off’ officer for this important
So – “A”
enjoyed the cool comforts of a luxury air-conditioned cabin – whereas “B” sweated it out in a dilapidated
cabin – and to add insult to injury – “B”
was doubled up with another officer.
“B” had been specifically
called to the conference because he was an expert on the issue being discussed
– but I noticed that “B” had
‘switched-off’ – he maintained an indifferent silence and did not contribute
It was evident that supersession had affected
“B” very badly and his personality
had been transformed.
Like many passed over “written off” officers
– “B” had lost his ‘spark’ and
withdrawn into a shell and become disinterested in the service.
It was sad to see an excellent officer like “B” wither away.
But it was even sadder that the Navy could
not benefit from his expertise and experiential knowledge, which were being
wasted away.
In the Defence Services – Supersession is a “lose-lose” situation.
Besides career and financial loss – supersession is total “loss of face”
for the officer – and at times for his family too.
In contrast – promotion is a “win-win” situation – since rank is the “be-all and
end-all” of military life.
The large number of representations, complaints,
court cases and litigation pertaining to promotion issues bears testimony to
the fact that something is immensely wrong with the military promotion system
prevalent in the defence services.
I heard from someone – that the “integrated running
pay scale” granted by the 4th Pay Commission, which de-linked pay
from rank, was scuttled by senior officers, who did not want superseded
officers who had more service than them to draw more pay than them.
The result was that more than 90% of the officers
lost out when the 5th Pay Commission scrapped the “running pay band”
and once again linked salary to rank.
Someone told me an interesting story of the height
of megalomania and egotism due to rank consciousness.
A few years ago – the government implemented Assured
Career Progression (ACP) and Non-Functional Upgradation (NFU) for all Civilian
Government Employees.
The person told me that government wanted to extend
the benefit of Non-Functional Upgradation (NFU) to the Defence Services and,
like the civil services (NFU) would have guaranteed time bound upgradation of
pay of all officers (including superseded officers) so that towards the end of
their service, at the time of superannuation, all officers would draw the pay
of a Lieutenant General (and consequently their pensions would be higher too –
like their civilian counterparts).
I heard that this NFU proposal was opposed and
scuttled by senior officers who argued that NFU was not desirable since the
“charm” of higher ranks would be diminished if there was no substantial salary
After all – these overweening careerists felt that
they had “earned” their ranks by “all round 360 degree efforts” and considered
themselves superior to their unlucky comrades in arms who had been “passed over”
for promotion.
Of course – those who have served in the defence
services are aware of the various tactics and stratagems employed by careerist
officers to get promoted to high rank.
A witty Naval Officer gave a metaphorical example of
a Mumbai suburban local train at rush hour on a station like Dadar.
Those standing on the platform desperately wanted to
get inside the train.
But once inside the train – they tried to prevent
others from entering the train.
It is the same with these overweening careerists –
they are desperate to get promoted – but once they are promoted to high rank –
they don’t want their juniors to “get in”.
Here is an example.
In 2006 – as per AVS Cadre Review – all Lieutenant
Colonel/Equivalents who had completed 26 years service were to be promoted to
the rank of Colonel/Equivalent.
The Army and Air Force promoted all officers who had
completed 26 years service (including Time Scale Lieutenant Colonel/Wing
Commander) to the rank of Colonel/Group Captain.
However, the Navy did not promote Time Scale
Commanders who had completed 26 years service to the rank of Captain giving the
specious argument that this would “upset” inter-se seniority.
One wonders why the same argument was not used by
the Army and Air Force?
Whereas, in the civilian world, organizations are
becoming flatter and democratic – the opposite is happening in the Indian Armed
Forces which are becoming increasingly feudal and hierarchy conscious – rank
based discrimination is being taken to ridiculous limits – and megalomania and
egotism due to rank consciousness is on the rise – which is visible in examples
like the penchant for displaying “stars” at all sorts of places.
This obsession with rank continues even after
After having sabotaged NFU – now senior officers
want “One Rank One Pension” (OROP).
So – now – they even want pension to be primarily dependent
on rank – and not based on length of service, like it is for civilian
In the term OROP – “One Rank One
Pension” – the most prominent word is RANK.
Why not “Same Service Same Pension”?
Why the total emphasis on “Rank”?
In the defence services – whereas on the one hand –
supersession is a total “lose-lose” situation – on the other hand – promotion
is a total “win-win” situation.
Doesn’t this convince you that the advice given to
us by that pragmatic officer was absolutely correct: “The primary aim of an
officer is to get promoted to high rank” – and all other “dictums” and
“Honour Codes” like “Chetwode Motto” and “Service Before Self” etc are mere
slogans meant for lip-service.
As I told you – this wise officer was not a
hypocrite – he “walked his talk” – unlike many other senior officers – who
mouth platitudes about “military ethos and service values” before their juniors
– but do exactly the opposite in their actions in order to achieve their overweening
career ambitions.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This article is a spoof, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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