Tomorrow I will be going to Girinagar – I have been invited to deliver a guest lecture at IAT Pune – where I have spent a large part of my navy career.
Sorry – the name is no longer called IAT – the institution is now called MILIT.
We have a penchant for changing names.
We change names of roads, of cities, of institutions – so it was with IAT.
It started off as IAS (Institute of Armament Studies) – a few years later it was re-named IAT (Institute of Armament Technology) – which was its name for more than 40 years.
Then, they re-christened IAT as DIAT (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology).
I find it amusing that it took them 50 years to discover that this was a “Defence” Institute dealing with “Advanced” Technology.
Later, they changed the name to MILIT (Military Institute of Technology).
I do not know.
Anyway, that is the name of the institution till they change it again.
But the place remains the same as I first saw it in 1982 – nothing has changed and it is as if time has stood still.
As I said, I spent many years at IAT, in multiple tenures, coming and going, and I truly cherish many unforgettable memories of the lovely place.
Let me pull out a story from my IAT memoir archives, for your perusal and enjoyment...
Unforgettable Memories of IAT Pune
A Spoof
Tomorrow I will be going to Girinagar – I have been invited to deliver a guest lecture at IAT Pune – where I have spent a large part of my navy career.
Sorry – the name is no longer called IAT – the institution is now called MILIT.
We have a penchant for changing names.
We change names of roads, of cities, of institutions – so it was with IAT.
It started off as IAS (Institute of Armament Studies) – a few years later it was re-named IAT (Institute of Armament Technology) – which was its name for more than 40 years.
Then, they re-christened IAT as DIAT (Defence Institute of Advanced Technology).
I find it amusing that it took them 50 years to discover that this was a “Defence” Institute dealing with “Advanced” Technology.
Later, they changed the name to MILIT (Military Institute of Technology).
I do not know.
Anyway, that is the name of the institution till they change it again.
But the place remains the same as I first saw it in 1982 – nothing has changed and it is as if time has stood still.
As I said, I spent many years at IAT, in multiple tenures, coming and going, and I truly cherish many unforgettable memories of the lovely place.
Let me pull out a story from my IAT memoir archives, for your perusal and enjoyment...
Unforgettable Memories of IAT Pune
A Spoof
This story happened sometime in the 1980’s – when I was IAT Pune.
I happened to walk into the office of one of my “Pongo” colleagues for some work.
You know what the term “Pongo” means – don’t you?
If you have served in the Army, Navy or Air Force – I am sure you know what “Pongo” means.
“Pongo” is naval slang for Armymen.
Why is an Armyman called a “Pongo”?
Well, there are many apocryphal stories on the origins of the term “Pongo”.
Here is one such yarn that I heard long back from an old sea dog.
He told me that the term “Pongo” originated in the Royal Navy to denote an infantryman.
As per a myth, the “Pongo” was a unique ape.
When he sensed danger or felt scared – the “Pongo” did not climb trees like most apes normally do.
But the “Pongo” would dig holes in the earth and hide himself in the ground in the same way as infantrymen dug in and entrenched themselves in the ground when they were under attack in battle.
Another similar yarn says that “Pongo” is derived from the archaic name for the orangutan, which had the habit of digging holes in the ground for no apparent reason and then filling them back.
The sailors probably observed armymen digging away and hence the nickname “Pongo” for army soldiers.
Well, all such apocryphal stories are to be taken with a pinch of salt and no offense is meant.
If you know some other reason for the origins of the military slang “Pongo” – do comment and educate us.
Now that I have told you what a “Pongo” means – let me continue with my story.
As I said earlier, this story happened sometime in the 1980’s – when I was IAT Pune.
I happened to walk into the office of one of my “Pongo” colleagues for some work.
I saw a total of six Pongos, including my colleague, sitting around the table.
The Pongos were engaged in an animated discussion.
So I excused myself – and I told my army colleague that I would come later.
“No – No – You please come in,” my friend said, “in fact you can help us solve our problem.”
“Problem?” I asked.
“Yes, the issue is about the ACR dinner,” he said.
[ACR is an acronym for the all important ANNUAL CONFIDENTIAL REPORT (ACR). The ACR is the “be-all and end-all” of performance appraisal in the military and your entire military career is governed by your ACRs]
“ACR Dinner?” I asked my Pongo friend – as I was quite perplexed.
“You don’t have this ACR Dinner in the Navy?” they all asked.
“Well, at least I have not heard of it,” I said.
“Our ACRs are due to be written in a month,” my army colleague said, “and all of us are expected to invite our boss and his wife for dinner – and of course all the other army officers and lady wives are invited.”
“Are you telling me that your performance appraisal for the entire year will be based on a dinner?” I asked, genuinely baffled.
“Well, I really don’t know, but then these are the hazards of peacetime soldiering,” commented my friend, who was a battle-hardened officer, looking at me wistfully.
“Anyway, what do you want me to do?” I asked.
“Pick lots,” all the Pongos said in unison.
“Pick lots?” I asked, totally at a loss.
“Yes,” my friend explained, “we have to decide the sequence of the ACR dinners. You know about the halo effect, the recency effect, all these cognitive biases, don’t you?”
“Yes, I have heard of cognitive biases,” I said.
“There is a big advantage in hosting the dinner last – just before the ACR date,” my friend said.
“Sometimes it is good to host the first dinner too – the first dinner sets the standard – and it is also remembered,” said another Pongo sitting in the room.
So I did the honours and picked the chits.
The sequence of the Pongo ACR dinner dates was decided.
Of course – for doing the honours – we – my wife and I – were invited to all the Pongo ACR Dinners.
PS: As per the lots I picked – my Pongo friend gave the first ACR Dinner – he was promoted in the first shot.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This story is a spoof, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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