Food For Thought for Job Hoppers
The young under-trainee direct entry Sub Lieutenant who had just joined our ship appeared quite dejected.
Impressed by the sleek navy recruitment advertisements and jingoistic hype, he had quit a corporate job and joined the navy.
And now the truth had dawned on him that there was a big difference between hype and reality.
Life in the tough prosaic real-world navy was quite different from the romantic imagery portrayed in recruitment advertisements.
In order to put him in good humour, I told him this famous Mulla Nasrudin Teaching Story called FASHION SHOW:
FASHION SHOW - A Mulla Nasrudin Story
One day Nasrudin went to a prestigious fashion show.
When he returned, his friends asked him how he liked the fashion show.
“They cheat you,” Nasrudin complained, “it is a total swindle.”
“They cheat you,” Nasrudin complained, “it is a total swindle.”
“What are you saying? The fashion show is a swindle? They cheat you? How? Tell me. How do they cheat you?”
“They show you the women – and then they try to sell you the clothes.”
Do remember this story if you are thinking of job hopping.
Remember - Metaphorically, Recruitment Advertisements are like “Fashion Shows” where they will attract you by showing you glamorous “women” and then sell you the “clothes”.
And later you will be disillusioned when things do not turn out as you had expected them to be as portrayed in the advertisements.
Do remember this FASHION SHOW story especially if you are thinking of a military career because the real life in the military is tough and hard, and not all glamour and adventure as portrayed in recruitment advertisements.
So: Do you have it in you?
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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