A Spoof
Long back, when I was in the Navy, I once had a terrible boss.
Every morning, he used to reach office in a
foul mood and start shouting at me and everyone else, and this would spoil our mood and vitiate
the office atmosphere for the entire day.
One day I complained to the Big Boss and told
him that I did not want to serve under this individual and asked for a transfer
out of the department.
The Big Boss refused my request.
He asked me to understand the situation.
The Big Boss told me that my Boss had a very
unhappy family life, which caused a lot of pent up frustration and anger within
Hence my Boss took out all his bottled up anger on me the moment he reached office.
He told me ignore the ranting of my boss and
offered me this rational explanation:
who are unhappy at home vent out their frustrations at work, in office, at
their subordinates”, he explained.
“Sir, conversely can it be argued that those individuals who are unhappy in office and
frustrated at work, go home and release their pent up anger and take it out
on their wives and families?” I asked.
“Yes, that is true – I have seen some persons
who are unhappy at work venting out their bottled-up work frustrations at home,”
he said.
I looked at the Big Boss and asked him,
“And what
about those people who are unhappy at both places – work and home – persons who are unhappy at work and also unhappy at home?”
The Big Boss looked at me curiously and asked me, “Are there such persons who are unhappy both at home and work? Well, I really don’t know what they do.”
So I said to the big boss, “I will tell you,
“Go ahead,” he said, “tell me.”
So, I said to him:
“People who are frustrated at work and also have an unhappy family life – they take out their frustrations and vent out
their pent up anger while commuting to work and back home – to and fro – they vent out their home anger while driving to work and their work frustrations while driving home back from work.
These are the road-rage types who are always on a short-fuse and holler at the
slightest instance at their fellow travellers in the traffic and even at their
So now, Dear Reader, you know the reason for
Road Rage.
If you see some persons losing their cool
while driving to work and while driving back home, please sympathize with these road rage types – they have an unhappy family life and also a frustrated work life – poor things!
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
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