Ramblings of a
Retired Mind
Never change your
job because you are fed up with your present job.
Quit your present
job and change to a new job only if you are attracted to your new future job.
Your career change
must be for growth, not as a means of escape from your present career.
You must shift to a
new career due to “Pull” factors (attraction) and not due to “Push” factors (repulsion).
The motivation to
change your job must come from the “Pull” of the new career (attraction) and
not the “Push” from your present job (frustration).
Let me share my
experience from my long military career in the navy.
objectives require that the armed forces (army, navy and air force) have a
steep pyramidal hierarchical organizational structure.
As a consequence,
vacancies diminish as you rise in rank, and this adversely affects promotion
It is an accepted
fact that career prospects in the defence services are poor as compared to
career prospects the civil services.
(From time to time,
attempts have been made to tinker with the time tested steep pyramidal military
hierarchical structure by way of “cadre reviews” but it has been realized that
making the military too “top heavy” may be detrimental to the fighting
efficiency of the forces, as senior ranks only add to the “tail” and create an
imbalance in the “teeth to tail” ratio)
The “steep pyramid”
entails stringent promotion percentages which results in a ruthless selection
This results in a
large number of good officers getting passed over for promotion at young ages
due to lack of vacancies.
“Supersession” is
an accepted “occupational hazard” in the defence services.
If you join the
armed forces must be prepared for this eventuality of supersession at an early
age, sometimes as early as in your 30’s, when you are “written off” and it
suddenly becomes the “end of the road” as far as your military career is
In the military,
individuals react to supersession in different ways.
Some overreact as
they feel “betrayed” by the service (army, navy or air force) and they quit their
military career immediately (strong “push” factor).
They suddenly land
up on the “Civvy Street” in a bitter state of mind and unprepared for the
consequences, not knowing what to do, since they have made no plans for the
unexpected career shift.
Many such officers
quit in a huff before completing the mandatory 20 years pensionable service and
land up in dire financial straits.
Some remain in
service, become bitter, and sour the atmosphere around them.
Others enjoy their “passed
over” state and keep serving till superannuation.
If you are feeling “bored”
with your job, remember it is better to be “bored” than “broke”.
One of my friends,
a naval officer, quit the navy because he felt “intellectually suffocated” and “bored”
in the navy.
Like I said
earlier, he quit because of the “push” factor.
He discovered that
his new job in the civilian world was even more “intellectually suffocating”
and “boring” than the navy.
He quit that job
too, and after a few days he spent all his savings and was broke, so he was
forced to accept an even more boring and “intellectually suffocating” job.
In contrast, I have
observed that those who changed their careers due to “pull” factors are happy
and have done well in their new careers.
Some were attracted
by the “pull” of entrepreneurship and wanted to do their own thing, so the
opened their own businesses/industries/start ups.
Others discovered
their true métier and shifted careers due to the “pull” of the new vocation
they wanted to pursue.
I know a bright
officer, who was doing well in service, who discovered that enjoyed teaching
immensely, and he changed careers to become a schoolteacher and is very happy with
his new way of life.
Here is my “Job
Hopping Mantra” in a nutshell:
1. Never change
your job because you are frustrated in your present job (“push” factor).
2. Change to a new career
only if you are attracted to your new future job (“pull” factor)
Career Shift must be motivated by “attraction” to the new career, and not due to “repulsion” from your present job.
Dear Reader: Do you agree ?
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