Monday, September 20, 2021

Does NCC Need a Revamp...?




Musings of Veteran Vikram Karve


Part 1



Recently – I read a news item that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has constituted a High-Level Expert Committee for a comprehensive review of National Cadet Corps (NCC). The committee comprises distinguished personalities from various walks of life. The “terms of reference” are couched in bureaucratese and are quite vague – but the very fact that the MoD has constituted this committee indicates that the MoD feels that the NCC needs to be revamped and improved.


As a Military (Navy) Veteran – let me offer some suggestions on how to revamp and improve the NCC.

Is there any need to revamp the NCC…?

In its present state – is anything wrong with the NCC…?

If so – the first step is to ascertain what is wrong with the NCC – and – what are the specific aspects that need to be improved or revamped.

There is saying:

“One Look is Better than a Thousand Reports”.

If the committee members want to discover if something is really wrong with the NCC and determine specific areas for improvement – it would be better to observe the state of affairs “first hand” – rather than rely on “reports” prepared by various authorities – some of whom may even have a “vested interest”.

My first suggestion to all committee members is that each member should pay a “surprise visit” to the nearest NCC unit or local NCC HQ – and observe the state of affairs.

The visit to the NCC Unit should be a genuine “surprise visit” – unannounced – and the members should go “incognito”.

The best time for the “surprise visit” is in the morning – just before opening time – so that – you can observe the punctuality of the NCC officers and civilian staff.

Are all NCC Officers and Office Staff coming to work on time…?

Punctuality is a hallmark of character and discipline – and – if NCC cadets are expected to be punctual – shouldn’t NCC officers and staff lead by example…?

Observe the environment – does it give the impression of a regimented military unit – or – is the atmosphere more like a “laissez faire” civilian government office…?

Do the NCC Officers and Civilian Staff look like “role models” who can inspire the young cadets who are of impressionable age…?

Do the NCC Officers and Civilian Staff exhibit “Josh” – great enthusiasm and high morale…?

Are the Commanding Officer (CO) and Officers medically fit and in good physical shape to be able to lead by example in participating in various cadet training and activities…?

Look around – observe the state of the facilities, offices and buildings – are they modern, well maintained and “spick-and-span” – or do they look shabby, dilapidated and decrepit…?

Have they implemented modern digital paperless administrative and management systems – or do they still use antiquated paperwork-oriented system…?

Is everything orderly – and are all staff productively employed – or – do you see people sitting idle, underemployed or loitering around…?

Walk around incognito and talk to random people (without disclosing your identity) – and get a feel of their views of NCC.

What is your overall impression of the NCC Unit/HQ – does it look like a Military Organization – or – like a Civilian Government Office….?

In order to get a realistic assessment – it is most important to go “incognito” and have a “surprise visit”.

If you go on an official visit – it is most likely that the event will be “stage managed” – you will be given a “conducted tour” and shown impressive “demos” – and – you will see what they want you to see – and you will hear what they want you to hear – which may not be the ground reality.

(If you live in Pune – and you want to get a “feel” of NCC “vibes” – do visit the NCC Group Headquarters (HQ) in the heart of Pune City. Whenever I see this place – I observe the rather “sleepy” atmosphere and “laid back” ambience – not the dynamism one would expect from a military or disciplined youth organization.)

To summarize Part 1 in a nutshell – a “surprise” incognito visit to an NCC Unit may be more useful for committee members to get a first-hand “reality check” – rather than an official “conducted tour”.


To be continued in Part 2

Rejuvenating NCC Human Resources



Copyright © Vikram Karve 
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1. This story is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All Stories in this Blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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NMH said...

I feel these observations need to be taken seriously, can you please share your mail ID so that I can share few experiences as a ex ncc cadet

Vikram Waman Karve said...

Thank you NMH - please let me know your email id so I can connect with you