During an arranged marriage "boy girl seeing kande-pohe ceremony" the very first question the boy asked the girl was: "Do you drink?"
The girl was taken aback, as she had not expected this to be the very first question, but she recovered her wits and said truthfully: "No - I do not drink - I have never touched alcohol. But why did you ask me this question?"
"Because I drink heavily - and we do not want a husband-wife team of drunkards, do we? It will be disastrous for the children," the boy said to the girl.
Then, the girl asked the boy: "Do you know how to cook?"
"Yes - I know how to cook quite well," the boy said, "but why do you ask?"
"Because I don't know how to cook - and it will be a total disaster if our children starve, isn't it?" the girl said to the boy.
They are "happily" married for 33 years now.
The boy gave up drinking long back - around 15 years ago.
The girl still does not know how to cook.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This blog post is a is a spoof, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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