me tell you an “apocryphal” story.
happened 33 years ago – in March 1982 – in Pune.
girl came to see a boy (for arranged marriage).
girl was accompanied by her mother (the girl’s father, a Brigadier, was serving
in a field area).
– in Maharashtra – the boy goes to the girl’s home (for the customary “kande pohe program”).
– in this case – the boy had requested the girl to come over to his rather
Spartan home.
was around 10 in the morning – the boy was alone at home – as the boy’s mother
had gone for work.
boy (a Naval Officer) had come to Pune on a week’s leave for “girl seeing” for
arranged marriage.
the boy was not one of those refined “metrosexuals” – he had not “decked up”
for the occasion – but he was dressed in a simple cotton white kurta-pyjama –
and he was enjoying a smoke and reading a book – while waiting for the girl to
girl and her mother arrived at 10:30.
are late,” the boy said, and he asked the girl and her mother to sit down.
boy served Tea (which he had prepared himself).
– the boy lit a cigarette – and he said to the girl, “Let me tell you a bit
about myself. As you can see – I smoke a lot. I drink regularly too – around 6 large
pegs of rum daily – that is about half a bottle of rum every evening. My career
prospects in the Navy are not very bright – I am certainly not ‘Admiral
Material’. You are a ‘SODA’ – your father is a big shot in the Army – so you
may be used to the comforts and facilities of army life – but in the Navy you
get nothing – no batman (sahayak), no
transport, no proper housing, no facilities – as you can see I am not a rich
man – I just have a scooter – and I do not think I will be able to afford a car
on the paltry salary we get in the Navy – you will have to live in some
temporary make-shift shanty – and you
will have to do all the housework yourself…”
don’t get a house in the Navy…?” the girl asked.
do – but there is a huge shortage of married accommodation and the waiting
period is 2 years – so by the time we get a proper house, it will be time for
my transfer – and it is the same story in every new place – so you must be
prepared for a nomadic existence shifting from one temporary accommodation to
is ‘SODA’…?” the girl asked.
Officers’ Daughters’ Association – your Dad is a Brigadier so you are a SODA,”
the boy said, “but let me tell you one thing – I am an honest, straightforward
and outspoken officer – and so – your chances of becoming a member of SOWA are
pretty bleak…”
– Senior Officers’ Wives’ Association…!” the girl said.
boy was happy to see that the girl was intelligent.
are very intelligent – and highly qualified – and all your good qualities are
listed in your matrimonial profile – but I want to know one thing – and I want
an honest answer,” the boy said to the girl.
the girl asked.
are your faults…? Your bad qualities…? Your weaknesses…?” the boy asked.
cannot cook…” the girl began opening up – but her mother gave her a stern look
– and the girl stopped speaking.
the situation, the boy said to the girl, “Never mind – we will discuss all that
in detail when we meet tomorrow…”
are meeting tomorrow…?” the girl asked.
not…? After all, we are getting married – and I am here for a week – so we can
go out together a few times – and get to know each other better…” the boy said,
extinguishing his finished cigarette and lighting another cigarette.
girl’s mother was getting increasingly uncomfortable at the way things were going,
so she asked the boy, “You have a big beard – are you going to shave it off
when you get married…?”
boy looked at the girl’s mother, and he said to the middle-aged woman, “How
does it matter to you whether I keep a beard or not...? Are you going to marry
me…? Or is your daughter going to marry me…? But since you have asked – No – I
am not going to shave off my beard – I like my beard – and a beard is the sign
of a true Naval Officer – so I am going to keep my beard even after marriage –
boy looked at the girl, and he said, “See – I told you that I drink heavily, I
smoke, and that I have no future in the navy – very poor career prospects – and
about the poor quality of life in the navy – but you just told me one thing –
that you do not know how to cook – please tell me more about your other
have to go somewhere,” the girl’s mother interrupted – and she brought the
‘interview’ to an abrupt end.
the evening, the girl’s mother made a ‘trunk-call’ to her Brigadier husband and
she said, “What a terrible boy? He is himself saying that he drinks half a
bottle a day, he smokes, and ….”
told him everything.
boy said all that…?” the Brigadier asked.
– the boy hasn’t given us even one reason why we should get our daughter
married to him.”
that is the very reason why we should get our daughter married to him,” the
astute Brigadier said.
Brigadier met the boy – and he liked him – and so – the girl and boy got
girl was expecting the worst.
after marriage – the girl noticed the following ‘improvements’ in the boy:
Her husband did not drink 6 pegs of rum every evening – he drank around 3 or 4
pegs daily – and only rarely – at parties or with friends – did he drink 6 pegs
or more.
He did not smoke much too – in fact – he smoked very few cigarettes – he
preferred smoking his pipe.
She had been expecting to stay in a “jhuggi-jhopri” – but first they lived in
the officers’ mess for some time – and then they shifted to quite a decent
furnished apartment – which though small – the apartment was modern,
comfortable, and located in the prime area of the city.
he was not an “angel” by any standards – her husband was not all that bad – as she
had thought.
later – when she had given up all hope – her husband suddenly gave up drinking
and smoking one day.
happened 20 years after her marriage – and she had never imagined that her
husband would give up alcohol and tobacco forever.
course – her husband has still not shaved off his majestic beard – but then she
has got used to it now – after 33 years of married life.
reading this “fairy-tale” – some persons may think that this is a true story – and
they may even “recognize” some of the characters in this story – but let me
emphasize that this is an apocryphal story – the characters do not exist and
are purely imaginary – and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.
is important – is the MORAL OF THE STORY.
must have heard the saying: “First Impression is the Best Impression”
I say: “Worst Impression is the Best Impression”.
you give your best impression during your first meeting with someone – then you
have to live up to the image you have created.
the other hand – if you give your worst impression during your first meeting –
then there is always scope for improvement.
are many aspects to your personality – the “Best Side” – the “Worst Side” –
with shades of grey in between.
your very first meeting – if you try and impress someone with your “Best Side”
– you have projected your best image – and thus you have no scope for
fact – you will get all stressed out keeping up appearances trying to live up
to the hyped-up expectations you have created in the other person – and slowly
the “veneer” will start peeling off – and the goody-goody façade will crumble.
Reader – you just read the “happy ending” story above.
know a story where exactly the opposite happened.
was a girl from a civilian academic background (her parents were university
lived in a town where there was a large cantonment nearby.
of her schoolmates and friends were daughters of Army officers – and the girl
was enamored by Army social life.
girl got a proposal from a Naval Officer.
girl was under the impression that the life of a Navy Wife was the same as the
good life of an Army “Memsahib” which she had observed in the peacetime
Navy boy came to meet the girl.
in the “First Impression is the Best Impression” dictum – the boy showed his
“Best Side” – and he “boasted” a bit about himself – he painted a rosy picture
of Navy life – instead of telling her the ground reality.
this created a glorified image and high expectations in the newlywed girl.
– after their honeymoon – when they reached Vizag – everything came crashing
boy sailed off on his ship – leaving the girl to fend for herself – all alone –
in their “B Type” hired house – at the other end of town – far away from the
Naval Base.
totally isolated, the girl went into a depression – and summoned her parents –
who came rushing to Vizag – to help their daughter settle down and tackle
their marriage progressed – the “first impression” that the boy had created by showing
his “Best Side” – this rosy first impression started to slowly crumble away as
his negative qualities began to emerge.
many years of marriage – the girl still feels that the boy “cheated” her by
portraying a goody-goody false impression of himself and hyped rosy image of Navy
hypothesis of “Worst First Impression” worked in my Navy life too.
was posted as faculty in a prestigious inter-service training establishment.
boss was a Commodore from a landlubber branch who had never met me before.
– my “spoken reputation” had somehow reached him via the grapevine.
a month or so – I noticed that he was quite wary of me – he treated me coldly
and he kept me at arm’s length.
– one evening – at a party – when he was feeling quite happy after a few drinks
– he sidled up to me – and he said, “Actually – I have realized that you are
quite a good officer…”
aback, I said to him, “Come on, Sir – of course – I am a good officer – why did
you think otherwise…?”
had heard so many wicked things about you – that you are a difficult officer –
but I actually find you to be so good…” the Commodore said – and later – his
wife told me that I was his favourite officer – and he trusted me the most
among all officers.
– Dear Reader – whenever you meet someone for the first time – for matchmaking
– for dating – at the workplace – for any long term relationship – beware of
the dictum: “First Impression is the Best Impression” – and don’t get too
carried away trying to make the “best impression” – since you may find it difficult
to live up to such a ‘perfect’ image in later life.
you meet someone for the first time – never try to “impress” anyone – just be
your natural self – in fact – show a bit of your darker side – so that there is
always “scope for improvement” later.
for those of you who are going in for an “arranged marriage” – when you meet
your “prospective spouse” for the first time – the first question you must ask him
(or her) is: “Tell be about your weaknesses and your faults…”
“Worst Impression is the Best Impression”.
is always scope for improvement if you project your “worst” impression
there is no scope for improvement if you project your “best” impression – in fact,
there is always pressure to live up to the “perfect” image you have created –
and ultimately, this mismatch will cause stress and distrust in your
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This story is a spoof, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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