Humor in Uniform
This story is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
A Fictional Spoof
The TASO sidled up drunkenly towards me and
said to me: “I’ll tell you something – but – you must keep it to yourself…”
[The “TAS Officer” aka TASO (Torpedo Anti-Submarine
Officer) – he was the senior-most “in-living” officer.
With our penchant for changing names – and – in
consonance with the increasing “Americanization” of our Naval Culture – TASO
was later re-designated as ASWO (Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer)…]
Dear Reader – this story happened 42 years
ago – in the 1970’s – when I was serving on a frontline warship of the western
After a long sailing exercise – we had
returned to our base port Mumbai (it was
called Bombay those days).
It was the first day of the monsoon – and –
it was raining heavily.
The TASO had returned from leave from New
Delhi (his hometown).
Normally – the “Deluxe” arrived at Bombay
Central (Mumbai Central) at 5 PM – but today – due the heavy rains – the train
had arrived 5 hours late- and by the time the TASO had reached our ship berthed
in the Dockyard – it was past 11 PM.
I called the “Duty Steward” – I told him to
open the Wardroom Bar – and I told him to fry some “Luncheon Meat” as “Small
Eats” for the hungry TASO.
(Well – things may be different today – people may be
sticky about bar and meal timings – but those days – we treated our ship’s
wardroom as our home – and – things were quite informal and comfortable –
especially for officers)
The TASO had a bath and arrived in the
I smiled at the TASO.
He smiled back.
The TASO was a good guy – and – despite the fact
that he was 5 years senior to me in the rank of Lieutenant – we were good
(Those days – in the 1970’s – after being commissioned as
an Officer in the Navy – it took you 3 years to become a Lieutenant – and then
– you remained a Lieutenant for 8 long years – before being promoted to the
rank of Lieutenant Commander – after a total of 11 years of commissioned
Today – you see “greenhorns” – who haven’t yet fully
grown their whiskers – strutting around wearing “two and a half stripes” of a
Lieutenant Commander – after just 6 years of commissioned service – thanks to
the benevolent Ajai Vikram Singh Cadre Review Report aka AVS 2006 – which has
reduced the value of senior ranks to subaltern status…)
The Duty Steward placed the plate of Luncheon
Meat in front of us.
The Steward asked the TASO: “Sir – would you
like a drink…?”
“Take out a bottle of whisky – fill up the
ice box – keep a jug of water – and give me the keys to the fridge – in case we
want soda or something else…” the TASO said to the Steward.
“Aye Aye, Sir…” the Steward said, “should I
tell the cook to make some dinner for you…?”
“No. This Luncheon Meat should be enough. You
can secure…” the TASO said to the Steward.
“Thank you, Sir…” the Steward said – he kept
everything on the table as instructed – gave us the keys to the fridge – and
went away.
We – the TASO and I – we started drinking.
“Sir – did you visit DOP…?” I asked the TASO.
“Of course I visited DOP – that’s the
advantage if your home station in Delhi – you can make your “pilgrimage” to DOP
at least once a year – maybe twice – when you go on leave…” the TASO said.
(DOP is “Director of Personnel” at Naval Headquarters –
who looks after appointments and transfers)
“Sir – any news…?” I asked the TASO.
“I’ll tell you something – but – you must
keep it to yourself…” the TASO said.
“Of course, Sir…” I said.
“Our “Old Man” is going on transfer…”
“What…? Our Captain is going on transfer…? So
“Yes – most unexpected – his normal tenure
was for another 6 months at least – but they are pulling him out urgently for a
diplomatic assignment…”
“Diplomatic Assignment…? Our Captain is going
as NA…?”
“Yes – Naval Attaché – to one of the best
countries – a most prestigious appointment.”
“We didn’t know anything about this…”
“No one knew. It happened quite suddenly –
just last week. The guy who was supposed to go – he had a severe car accident
and is hospitalized with his legs and bones all broken – he will take a long
time to be medically fit – so – our boss was chosen…”
“Does our “Old Man” know…? He didn’t say
“I am sure he knows – but he must be keeping
it to himself till everything comes in black and white…”
“Are you sure, Sir…? I asked the TASO.
“Of course I am sure…” the TASO said, “the
DOP told me all this in strict confidence. You know how close I am to the DOP,
don’t you…?”
“Yes, Sir – you told me that he is your
“He is not my uncle – his wife is related to
me – she is my cousin sister…”
“Oh…” I said, “Sir – any idea who is the new
“That’s the bad news…”
“Bad news…?”
The TASO looked at me – and he said with a
wicked smile: “Brace yourself – our new Captain is going to be “Bum Bandit”…”
“Shit…! “Bum Bandit”…? Are you sure, Sir…?” I
asked the TASO.
“100% sure – the DOP told me himself…”
“I thought “Bum Bandit” was “dry listed”…”
“He pulled some high-level strings and got
himself “wet listed”…”
“But why our ship…?”
“The first vacancy – our bad luck…”
“So – it’s bad days ahead…”
“Yes – this “Bum Bandit” bugger has a
terrible reputation – he is a bloody sadist – he screws the hell out of
everyone – literally and figuratively. And just imagine – the bugger is a confirmed
bachelor – so – he will be staying on board even in harbour – so our life will
be hell 24/7…”
“Hopefully – he will get his own “fags” and “peg
“He wanted to – but DOP refused – no crew
“Then – we better steer clear and cover our
“Don’t worry – there are plenty of “Sea Dolls”
on board for “Bum Bandit” to target…”
“Anyway – we are in for a tough time. We will
really miss our “Old Man” – he was a good Captain who ran a happy ship…”
“He will be leaving next week – the official
letter may be issued tomorrow…?
“That’s sad…” I said.
“Let’s kill the bottle and go to sleep…” the
TASO said.
So – we polished off the remains of the
whisky and hit our bunks.
We were enjoying a hearty Navy style “English”
breakfast of porridge, bacon and eggs, sausages, ham, salami etc – when the
Captain’s “Doggy” entered the wardroom – he looked at the TASO and said: “Sir –
Captain’s Compliments…”
“Now…?” the TASO asked the Captain’s “Doggy”.
“After “Both Watches”, Sir…” the Captain’s “Doggy”
said – then he looked at me and said: “You too, Sir…”
30 minutes later – we knocked on the Captain’s
“Come in…” the Captain shouted from inside.
We entered – and saluted the Captain.
The Captain shouted at us: “What’s this
bloody bilge you are spreading around…?”
We remained silent.
The Captain looked at the TASO and said: “Well
– I would love to go on a diplomatic assignment – but – I am going nowhere – I am
here to stay as your Captain – whether you like it or not…”
“Sir – we wanted to expose your “spy” in the
wardroom…” the TASO said.
“What…? “Spy” in the Wardroom…?” the Captain
“Yes, Sir – you seem to know everything that
goes on in the wardroom – so we knew you that had a “spy” who was ratting on us…”
I said.
“And you have found out who my “spy” is…?”
the Captain said.
“Yes, Sir – “Cute Boy” – he was the only
other person in the wardroom last night – sitting quietly in the corner
watching the late night movie on TV…” the TASO said.
“He was the bloody OOD – it is his job to
report things to me…”
“Sir – is he supposed to eavesdrop and come
squealing to you…?”
“Shut up…” the Captain said, “Anyway – you buggers
leave him alone – he was terrified when he heard the name of the new “Captain” who
was going to replace me…”
“You know what happened to him when he was a “Snotty”
– don’t you…?”
“No, Sir…”
“I’ll tell you sometime…” the Captain said, “I
had half a mind to “log” you buggers – but I’ll let it go this time. Now – stop
your bloody antics and get on with your jobs…”
“Aye Aye, Captain…” we said.
Then – we saluted and beat a hasty retreat.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This story is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All Stories in this Blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.
Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)

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