Dating Romance Marriage
A Spoof
“I have heard that Naval Officers have a girl in every port – but – so far – we don’t have even one single girl in even one port,” my course-mate said.
“Come on – we were under training. Maybe now – things will look up,” I said.
“Yes,” my course-mate said, “we are lucky to have got Bombay based ships.”
(This story happened more than 37 years ago – in the 1970’s – and those days – Mumbai was called Bombay – but I shall use Mumbai from now on).
“Yes – we are indeed lucky as compared to those poor Vizag guys – they are destined to a desolate life,” I said.
“The first thing I am going to do in Mumbai is to get myself a girlfriend,” my friend said.
“Me too,” I said.
My friend succeeded.
I failed.
I just did not have the talent for romance.
Everything had been handed down to me on a platter.
All the conditions to get a girlfriend were ideal.
I was on the best ship.
And in those ‘licence-quota-permit Raj’ days – as far as girls were concerned – Navy Officers were in high demand – since we got exotic foreign stuff duty free (especially perfumes) – and these imported goodies were was not available outside – and we had access to the best of clubs and social circles.
(Now – with the advent of liberalization and globalization – the charm of the Defence Services has gone down – since everything – and more – is freely available to civilians).
Most young Naval Officers had girlfriends – and a few ‘Casanovas’ were having a good time with ‘fleet auxiliaries’.
But – I had drawn a blank.
My course-mate had acquired a girlfriend within a few days of our reaching Mumbai – and he was often seen gallivanting with her all over the place.
In my case – having failed to acquire a girlfriend – instead of wasting my time on trying to romance girls – I focused on food and drink.
Once – after imbibing half a bottle of whisky – followed by a sumptuous Biryani at Olympia on Colaba Causeway – and a delicious ‘Triple Sundae’ ice cream at Yankee Doodle on Marine Drive – I returned to my ship in a happy mood – and soon – I was fast asleep – enjoying sweet ‘foodie dreams’ in my cabin.
Suddenly – I was rudely jolted awake.
It was my course-mate who had come over from his ship which was tied up alongside next to my ship.
“I am very upset – I want to talk to someone – and you are my best friend,” he said.
“Yes – once upon a time I was your ‘best friend’ – now you have got your darling girlfriend...” I said angrily.
“It’s about her – I just saw her off at the airport – she is on a long haul flight plan – she will be away for two weeks…” he said.
His girlfriend was an airhostess who flew on international routes.
“Okay – so you can join me for food and drink till she comes back…” I said.
“No – it’s not that – she wants to marry me …” he said.
“So – get married,” I said.
“It is not so simple – my parents won’t agree – her parents want her to continue he job too – and in her airline – an ‘air-hostess’ has to quit the moment she gets married. It is all very complicated – I have realized that falling in love has complicated my life…” he said sadly.
And then – he went on and on...
He told me his entire ‘sob story’...
My lovesick friend totally disturbed my sleep – by narrating his ‘love woes’ till early morning.
I thought that having a girlfriend made you happier.
But – exactly the opposite had happened to my otherwise cheerful friend.
He appeared to have become miserable after falling in love.
I said to myself: “If having just one girlfriend had done this to him – just imagine the situation of those Casanovas with multiple girlfriends…!”
It seemed that a ‘zero-girlfriend’ guy like me was much happier than my counterparts who had girlfriends.
I realized that ‘Food’ was a safe investment like a Fixed Deposit.
Yes – focusing your energies on eating good food was like buying a Fixed Deposit in a Nationalized Bank.
It was a stable situation.
Maybe – the ‘returns’ were lower – but for the time and money you spent on food – you got a guaranteed ‘Return on Investment’ (ROI).
On the other hand – ‘Romance’ was a risky investment like the stock market.
Acquiring a girlfriend was like trading in a volatile share.
Romance is an emotionally volatile relationship – similar to a financially volatile stock market.
Just like the ‘returns’ from the stock market were unpredictable and could vary from high to low – the ‘Return on Investment’ (ROI) you got from a romantic relationship could swing between ecstasy and agony.
So – being risk-averse – I was content to spend my ‘zero-romance’ loveless bachelor life enjoying good food and drink.
Of course – I did make some efforts to ‘fall in love’.
But – sadly – No girl was willing to fall in love with me.
My few attempts at dating girls ended in disaster.
So – I resigned myself to the fact that ‘love marriage’ was not in my destiny.
And – hence – I settled for an ‘arranged marriage’.
As a newly married couple – my wife and I – along with our pet Lhasa Apso girl Sherry – the three of us – we lived in a lovely one room flat in Curzon Road Apartments in New Delhi.
One evening – we were sitting in Nathu’s Sweets – in Bengali Market – one of our favourite places – where we often walked down in the evenings.
There was a group of beautiful girls sitting nearby – and my eyes were focused on them.
Yes – I was ogling at the pretty girls – as most young men do – or want to do.
One girl seemed particularly attractive – and I was staring at her quite blatantly – with frank admiration in my eyes.
My wife followed my gaze.
She was quite amused to see me looking at the pretty girls so intently – especially the yearning look I gave to that most gorgeous girl who seemed to be the object of my total attention.
Suddenly – my gaze shifted.
My wife was curious.
Was there a new ‘object’ which had captured my attention?
She followed my gaze – to see where I was looking.
On observing the new ‘object of my attention’ – my wife started laughing.
A tray of sweets was being brought in from the kitchen – and my eyes had ‘locked on’ to the mouthwatering sweets like a Radar ‘locks on’ to its target.
The tray was heaped with my favourite sweet – the inimitable ‘Lavang Lata’.
Soon – I was fully focused on eating my Lavang Lata – totally oblivious to my surroundings.
And – I seemed to have completely forgotten about those beautiful girls sitting on the table nearby.
In fact – I was so absorbed in savouring the delicious ‘Lavang Lata’ – and I was enjoying myself so totally – that I even forgot about my wife sitting opposite – who was not quite relishing the dish of ‘Lavang Lata’ that I had ordered for her too.
“So – it seems that you found the ‘Lavang Lata’ more enticing than those beautiful girls…” my wife said to me.
“Of course – I love good food – there is no greater love than the love of food…” I said.
And then – while walking back home – I told her about my failed attempts to romance during my Mumbai days.
I explained to her why I preferred food to romance – about my theory – ‘Food is like a Fixed Deposit’ versus ‘Romance is like the Stock Market’.
My wife looked at me and said: “Someone had told me that a Naval Officer has a girl in every port – but looking at you – I am convinced that you did not have even a single girl in any port – in fact – you must have had a ‘foodie joint’ in every port…”
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This story is a spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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Copyright © Vikram Karve (All Rights Reserved)
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

This is a revised version of my story A GIRL IN EVERY PORT posted online earlier in my Academic and Creative Writing Journal blog on 13 May 2015 at url:
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