Humor in Uniform at
the Pune International Literary Festival 2015
A Spoof
Many years ago
– much before I joined the Navy – when I was in school – I read a book called
I am glad I
read this inimitable war novel – which marvelously brought out the rather
bizarre aspects of military life.
“Catch-22” helped
me understand military life – and it saved me from going crazy during my long
navy career.
While I was
in the Navy – almost every moment – I saw similar characters – and parallel
situations – like those in Catch-22.
Life in the
military is a crazy affair – universally – and I marvel at the ingenious way in
which Joseph Heller has portrayed this “craziness in uniform” in his all-time
classic World War II novel “Catch-22”.
Now – even after
my retirement – whenever I come across “Faujis” and “Faujans” – I realize that
nothing much has changed in the military – and – in fact – things in the “Fauj”
are going even crazier day-by-day.
Well – in
military parlance – “Fauj” is a generic term for the Military – Army, Navy and
Air Force – and hence – a “Fauji” is a Military Man – and a “Faujan” is a
Military Wife.
(By the way
– it was an Army Wife who introduced me to the term “Faujan”…).
Coming back
to “Catch-22” – let me tell you about a hilarious vignette that I witnessed
last Sunday at the Pune International Literary Festival 2015 aka PILF2015.
But –
before I do that – I shall briefly summon up an amusing anecdote from Chapter 3
of “Catch-22” – which has a remarkable similarity to the incident I am going to
A “pen-pusher”
Colonel from Rear-Headquarters comes to a frontline airbase – and the Colonel
peremptorily orders Combat Officers to attend USO entertainment shows.
Military Bureaucracy back home has organized these USO shows to raise the morale
of the officers fighting the war.
However –
the combat-weary officers are least interested in watching these boring USO
officers just want to survive the war – complete their required combat missions
– and go home in one piece at the end of their tour of duty.
The only
thing that will “raise the morale” of these warfighting officers is “orders
shipping them home” – not USO entertainment shows.
So – in a “role
reversal” – as per directives of higher-ups who have arranged these USO Troupes
– the Colonel orders all Officers to attend these USO shows in full strength in
order to “boost the morale of the artists” of the USO troupes.
The Colonel
assembles all officers and gives them a “pep talk”.
to the USO troupe artists – the Colonel says: “…these people are your guests –
they have travelled over three thousand miles to entertain you. How will they
feel if nobody wants to go out and watch them? What’s going to happen to their
morale? ... I want every one of you who isn’t sick enough to be in a hospital
to go to that USO show right now and have a good time, and that’s an order.”
Here – the
Colonel was ordering his officers to “enjoy a boring event” – like the USO show
– just to boost the morale of the artists.
Ha Ha Ha – what
an irony – instead of the entertainers boosting the morale of soldiers – the
soldiers are asked to boost the morale of the entertainers.
And yes –
in the military – you can be “ordered” to have a “good time”.
incidents happened many times during my navy days – when we were ordered to
attend events which we were least interested in watching – just to boost the
“morale” of those who had come to raise our morale.
It must
have been in similar style that military cadets were ordered to go to the
literary festival to boost the “morale” of the author who had written a book to
boost the morale of the cadets.
As I told
you earlier – last weekend I attended the Pune International Literary Festival
– a truly delightful event.
On Sunday
afternoon – there was a book launch of a “military novel” on cadet life.
The author
is an accomplished creative writer – a successful novelist – and – in her
earlier days – she was a prolific writer of short fiction – and I loved reading
her stories published in many magazines.
Also – the
author is a “Faujan”.
So – who
better than a “Fauji” General to launch her book.
Oh yes –
for the book launch – along with the “Literary” General – there was a “Creative”
Police Officer too – who regaled the audience with yarns from his police
academy days.
Well – the
book launch was at 3 in the afternoon – and we sat eagerly in the hall –
waiting for the event to start.
Suddenly –
we saw one of the organizers going berserk – a young girl – who frantically
asked us to move forward as she screamed crazily:
“We need
300 chairs – the cadets are coming – the cadets are coming – 300 NDA cadets are
I am sure
you know that “NDA” is the acronym for the elite “National Defence Academy”
located at Khadakvasla near Pune.
The panicky
shouts of the girl:
“NDA Cadets are coming – NDA Cadets
are coming…”
reminded me of the Hollywood Comedy Film I had seen almost 50 years ago in the
1960’s: “The Russians Are Coming – The
Russians Are Coming…”
I was
NDA Cadets
– in a Literary Festival – it was unbelievable.
Why on
earth would NDA Cadets want to waste a precious Sunday afternoon at a Literary
Festival – when they could enjoy their well-earned “liberty” gallivanting on
Main Street or FC Road or “birdwatching” in a Mall or watching a movie in a Multiplex?
NDA Cadets
on a Sunday afternoon at a Literary Festival – it was baffling.
There could
be two possible explanations for this.
Version 1: (Highly Unlikely)
Nowadays –
things have changed from yesteryear – and – NDA is full of “literary” cadets –
budding “litterateurs” – who were extremely keen to spend their Sunday
afternoon liberty time attending a Literary Festival rather than having a good
time hanging out in Pune or sleeping in their cabins.
Version 2: (Most Likely)
The “Literary”
General had “desired” that he wanted to see a “house-full” – he wanted the
entire hall packed with audience – when he launched the book. So all cadets
enjoying their Sunday afternoon siesta in their cabins were rudely woken up –
and they were rounded up and “shanghaied” into a bus which brought them
straight to the Literary Festival venue in time for the book launch.
A witty young
“faujan” sitting next to me commented that cadets were being given a taste of
the “fauji” life they were going to face later as officers when they would be
on duty 24/7 – even in salubrious peacetime.
We waited with
trepidation for the onslaught of cadets – but there were no cadets visible even
till 3:15
It seems
that punctuality is no longer the hallmark of the defence services.
organizers waited for some time – and – at 3:20 – they decided to start the
However –
the “Literary” General and “Faujan” Author wanted the Cadets to be present when
they launched the book – so the author spent time in “small talk” about how her
“Fauji” husband had inspired her to write about cadet life – so it was quite
clear who was the “protagonist” in her novel – maybe the “Fauji” husband wanted
vicarious creative fulfilment – and he had asked his accomplished “Faujan” wife
to write his “slice of life” story.
Around 15
minutes later – well past 3:30 – the NDA cadets arrived.
When asked
why NDA Cadets had arrived more than 30 minutes late – we were told a “Tall
Story” that the NDA bus had broken down midway.
Maybe the
NDA bus had really broken down – but this was quite unlikely in view of the
high standards of vehicle maintenance in the military.
Or – maybe
– it had taken considerable time to search and round up “volunteers” to have a
“good time” at the literary event – since most cadets must have gone into
hiding trying to escape from being “shanghaied” to the literary festival.
This second
explanation seems more likely – since – instead of the much touted figure of
300 cadets – there were just around 50 “literary” cadets – who the NDA
authorities had finally managed to “capture” and “shanghai” to the literary event.
(It is also
possible that some cadets may have escaped when the bus broke down midway on
its journey to the literary festival).
The noisy
cadets – dressed in the prescribed “mufti” civil uniform – soon settled down –
and the book launch began in right earnest – and the book was released from its
gift wrapping.
The author
spoke about her book – and her earlier one – both stories based on cadet life
in the premier military academies – NDA and IMA.
“Literary” General narrated “memoirs” of his NDA days.
Not to be
left behind – the “Creative” Cop harked back to his Police Academy days.
It seemed
that these reminiscences certainly struck a chord with the “captive” audience –
who were probably “enjoying” similar experiences during cadet training at the
Suddenly –
the author saw a “celebrated” novelist sitting in the audience and invited him
on stage.
“celebrated” writer told us that – many years ago – he too had been selected
for NDA by the Services Selection Board (SSB) – but was rejected on medical
He lamented
that had he been medically fit – he would have been in “X” course of NDA – and he
wondered what his rank would have been today.
A smart
young man in the audience stood up and said that he was from the same “X”
course – and he informed us that was a Lieutenant Colonel.
“Literary” General commented to the “Celebrated” Novelist that maybe his
getting medically rejected was a “blessing in disguise”.
I wonder
what he implied – was he saying that the writer would not have been able to
achieve much in the “Fauj” – and that being a published author is much better
than being a run-of-the-mill “Fauji”…
The cadets
were listening intently – or – at least they were making a pretense of
attentiveness – because – when you are a cadet – you even learn to sleep with
your eyes wide open.
The author
read out interesting excerpts from her novel on cadet life.
Then –
there was a quiz for the cadets – and winners were given autographed copies of
the book.
And – all
of a sudden – the organizers announced that time was up – and the next event
was about to begin in the same hall.
And so –
the literary event ended.
All’s well
that ends well.
I walked
down to the lawns to attend another event of interest to “Faujis” – a book
reading by a Retired Naval Officer who was the first Indian to circumnavigate
the world solo under sail.
Yes – this
redoubtable Navy Officer had achieved this awesome maritime conquest of sailing
around the globe in a sailboat all alone – solo – and he had written a
fascinating account of his adventures on the high seas.
I thought
the NDA cadets would be interested in hearing the Navy Veteran narrate his
nautical adventures first-hand – especially since the Veteran Naval Officer was
an ex-NDA cadet.
But – the
NDA cadets were nowhere to be seen.
probably – the NDA cadets had rushed to Pune City to enjoy what was left of the
Or – maybe
– the cadets had been “shanghaied” right back into the bus – and transported
back to NDA – now that their “Mission Book Launch” was over.
Also – I
had expected the “Literary” General to attend the book reading session of his
“brother” ex-NDA Navy Officer and listen to his seafaring exploits.
However – I
saw him driving off in his “staff car” – maybe – to attend to his more pressing
Sunday evening “duties”.
of the conspicuous absence of the ex-NDA Cadets and Officers at their fellow
ex-NDA Naval Officer’s book reading – and that too on a naval adventure – I
wondered what happened to all that “camaraderie” – that ex-NDA officers so
often boast about?
Hey – I am
This story
was about military life – “humor in uniform” – about how you are “ordered” to
“volunteer” – like the NDA cadets who apparently had been commandeered and transported
to the Pune International Literary Festival – “shanghaied” and “shipped” – to
the book launch – and instructed to have a “good time”.
In the
literary festival – on the one hand – I observed the languid NDA cadets – and in
contrast – I looked at the lively college students of the same age group.
And – I
realized – that – though the world has moved on ahead – the military is still
stuck in the past – as if in an antiquated “time warp” – at least culturally.
I was
reminded of many such episodes in my Navy life – when we too were “detailed” to
“volunteer” – and I must tell you about them – but not now – maybe some other
time – right here – in my blog.
That’s the
beauty of military life – you learn to have a “good time” – even when you are
“ordered” to do so.
And – if
you are thinking of a having life in uniform – do read “Catch-22” – it will
save you from going crazy.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This story is a spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All Stories in this Blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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