I am
glad I read the classic war novel CATCH-22
before I joined the Navy.
made my life easier in the Navy – as Catch-22 helped me understand the crazy
ways of the Navy – and – I could draw parallels between the characters in
Catch-22 and the eccentric characters I encountered in the Navy.
by Joseph Heller – Catch-22 is a fictional spoof – satire – but then – isn’t humor the
best way to tell the truth…?
his inimitable satirical style – Joseph Heller encapsulates the essence of the
military justice system in Chapter 8 of Catch-22 – which describes the Trial of
Cadet Clevinger.
Reader – With a view to give you a glimpse into the military justice system – I
will give you select “nuggets” from Chapter 8 of Catch-22 here (extracts quoted
from the book are in italics)
Style “Justice” is the theme of Chapter 8 of Catch-22 – which describes Cadet Clevinger’s
Trial – a profound satire on institutional justice in general – and military
justice in particular.
an Aviation Cadet at Cadet School, is under the command of Lieutenant Scheisskopf,
an ambitious officer.
is a Harvard undergraduate who is an intellectual genius.
Heller satirically describes Clevinger as “a
very serious, very earnest and very conscientious dope”.
Scheisskopf resents Clevinger’s cerebral intellect – especially the fact that
Clevinger is proved right (and Lieutenant Scheisskopf is proved wrong) every time – so Lieutenant
Scheisskopf is waiting for an opportunity to take revenge and “fix” Cadet
“Clevinger was a troublemaker and a wise
Lieutenant Scheisskopf knew that Clevinger
might cause even more trouble if he wasn’t watched.
Yesterday it was the cadet officers;
tomorrow it might be the world.
Clevinger had a mind, and Lieutenant
Scheisskopf had noticed that people with minds tended to get pretty smart at
Such men were dangerous, and even the new
cadet officers whom Clevinger had helped into office were eager to give damning
testimony against him.
The case against Clevinger was open and
The only thing missing was something to
charge him with…”
at the last sentence above:
“The only thing missing was something to
charge him with…”
normal circumstances – an individual commits an offence – and then – he is
charged for that offence.
First – you decide to “fix” someone.
Then – you decide what “offences” to charge
him with.
follow a “Topsy-Turvy” Procedure.
– you find a “scapegoat” – or – a “difficult” individual who you want to
“punish” (like Clevinger)
– you find a suitable “offence” to charge him with.
Reader – have you seen this happen – especially if you have served in the
military – or in civilian life too…?
As I
told you earlier – Lieutenant Scheisskopf is waiting for an opportunity to “fix”
Cadet Clevinger.
day – Clevinger stumbles while marching to class.
next day Clevinger is formally charged with “breaking
ranks while in formation, felonious assault, indiscriminate behaviors, mopery,
high treason, provoking, being a smart guy, listening to classical music, and so
short – they throw the book at him – and soon – Cadet Clevinger is facing Trial
for the “offences” he is charged with committing.
are 3 “Judges” in the “Action
Board” to conduct the Trial of Cadet Clevinger:
1. A bloated Colonel – with a big fat
2. Major Metcalf – who is trying to develop a
steely gaze
3. Lieutenant Scheisskopf
Yes – Lieutenant Scheisskopf is a member of
the “Action Board”…
“…as a
member of the Action Board – Lieutenant Scheisskopf was one of the judges who
would weigh the merits of the case against Clevinger as presented by the
Scheisskopf was also the prosecutor.
had an officer defending him.
officer defending him was Lieutenant Scheisskopf…”
Scheisskopf is Clevinger’s “Prosecutor”, “Defender”,
and a “Judge” in the Trial Board too.
And – of course – as Clevinger's Commanding Officer
– Lieutenant Scheisskopf is the “Accuser” – who has charged Clevinger
with the “offences” for which he is on Trial.
Ha Ha – Lieutenant Scheisskopf is a “4-in-1” – the “Accuser”, the “Prosecutor”,
the “Defender”, and a “Judge”…
The description of Clevinger’s Trial is
hilarious – and – you must read it in Chapter 8 of Catch-22.
Clevinger is tried for a list of nonsensical charges
that neither Clevinger nor the three judges can make much sense of.
However – since he has been accused – the aim
is to find Clevinger guilty.
Guilty of what…?
That does not matter.
He has to be found GUILTY – that’s all.
So – Cadet
Clevinger is found “Guilty” – simply because he was “Accused”
In a unanimous decision – the Trial Board
finds Cadet Clevinger GUILTY.
was guilty, of course, or he would not have been accused, and since the only
way to prove it was to find him guilty, it was their patriotic duty to do so…”
To the best of my knowledge – a Navy Court-Martial
comprises between 5 and 9 Members (Judges) – and – I guess that Military Courts
similarly comprise multiple members – probably odd numbers.
So – a Military/Navy Court-Martial is akin to
a “Bench” of a Civilian Court – a “Bench” can comprise of a number of Judges.
However – there is one big difference.
A “Bench” of a Civilian Court may give a “unanimous
decision” – or may deliver a “majority verdict”.
In case of a majority verdict – all the
judgements are made public – including the dissenting judgements.
This is not so in a Navy Court-Martial.
To the best of my knowledge:
1. In case the findings are not unanimous –
and there is difference of opinion between Members of the Court-Martial – the
verdict is decided by the vote of the majority.
2. In case of a majority judgement – the names
and views of the dissenting members are not made public – only the decision is
announced in open court (unlike in a Civilian “Bench” where names of dissenting
Judges and their Judgements are made public)
I don’t know whether it is the same in a Military
Court-Martial (Army/AirForce).
But – as far as Navy Court-Martial is concerned
– let me quote the relevant sub-sections from Section 118 of the Navy Act, 1957:
– Drawing up of the finding
(1) The
trial judge advocate shall then draw up the finding as announced by the court.
(2) The
finding so drawn up shall be signed by all the members of the court by way of
attestation notwithstanding any difference of opinion there may have been among
the members and shall be countersigned by the trial judge advocate.
(5) Neither
the court nor the trial judge advocate shall announce in open court whether the
finding was unanimous or not; but the president shall make a record of the
division of voting on each finding without disclosing the vote or opinion of
any particular member of the court-martial and such record shall be
communicated to the trial judge advocate for transmission to the Judge
Advocate-General of the Navy.
Dear Reader:
After reading this – do you feel that “Military Justice”
an Oxymoron…?
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This blog post is a spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All Stories in this Blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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