I “retired” from drinking 15 years ago, in the year 2002 – after 25 years of dedicated drinking.
Dear Reader: Let me share some “Booze Wisdom” with you from time to time on my blog.
Here is the first tip from a Retired “Drunkard” – Never Drink when you “Need” a Drink
I wrote this article many years ago in my series on “The Art of Drinking Alcohol”...
One evening – a friend of mine landed up at my place – and he said: “I have had a really terrible day at work. I need a drink...”
Dear Reader: Let me share some “Booze Wisdom” with you from time to time on my blog.
Here is the first tip from a Retired “Drunkard” – Never Drink when you “Need” a Drink
I wrote this article many years ago in my series on “The Art of Drinking Alcohol”...
Golden Rule of Drinking Alcohol
The Navy taught me many things.
One of the things I learnt in the Navy was how to drink alcohol.
Let me delve into my “Alcoholic Archives” – and – once again – share with you some of my “Boozy Wisdom” from my select writings on “How to Drink Alcohol”...
Cheers – Enjoy !!!
People who drink to drown their sorrow – should be told that – sorrow knows how to swim
~ Ann Landers
“I will get you a cup of tea...” I said.
“Tea…?” he exclaimed astounded, “haven’t you got some whiskey or something? I told you I am feeling terrible – everything went wrong today – I desperately need a drink…”
“I know you are dying for a drink – you are craving, yearning, thirsting for that “soothing” sip of alcohol. That is why you must not drink now. You must never drink when you need a drink...” I said.
My friend pleaded – but – I did not budge.
I gave him a cup of tea – which he drank with great reluctance.
Then – he walked off in a huff – calling me all sorts of names – he said that I was a miser – a “good for nothing” friend – an “unofficerlike” officer.
But – I knew I that had done the right thing.
Yes – I had done the right thing – I did not give him a drink when he “needed” a drink.
Because – that is my first golden rule of drinking alcohol – or – if you like – let’s call it “Booze Wisdom”...
Yes – don’t drink when you desperately want to have a drink.
Do not touch a drop of alcohol when your mind or body craves for alcohol.
Sounds funny isn’t it...?
Let me try to elucidate.
Never drink when you need a drink.
Do not drink when you are feeling any negative emotion like despondency, sadness, anger, irritation, envy, unhappiness, frustration, emotional pain, bad moods, down in the dumps feeling, or any negative vibes.
Never touch the bottle when you are in negative mood – otherwise – the bottle will “unbottle” you.
Remember – if you drink alcohol in these circumstances – the bottle will “unbottle” your dormant repressed inner feelings – and – release your pent up negative emotions – and – make you feel even more miserable – and – spoil the mood of all those around you.
Let me tell you something I have observed in real life.
If you want to know the true character of a man – just get him drunk – and – what is hidden inside him will come out – and his true inner self will be revealed.
(Maybe – the same applies to women as well – but I did not have the opportunity to observe women getting drunk – so I cannot vouch for it)
Alcohol opens you up.
That’s what alcohol does – isn’t it...?
Alcohol reduces inhibitions – makes you more talkative, more expansive and more expressive – loosens you up – and helps release, bring out and amplify your inner emotions, talents, passions, sentiments.
That is why some persons become more creative after imbibing a drink or two – since alcohol unleashes your inhibitions – and releases the music, the poetry, the creativity hidden within you.
If you are happy inside – after a few drinks you will start physically expressing your happiness – maybe in a boisterous manner – and outwardly – by laughing, cheer and bonhomie.
Once you drink when you are in high spirits – you may even articulate your secret unexpressed love – you become amorous and romantic – and try to realize your hidden desires – and reveal without compunctions all your inner secrets – which otherwise you would never disclose when sober.
But – the converse is also true.
By reducing inhibitions – alcohol may bring out the worst in you – by facilitating the release of pent up negative emotions like anger, envy, dejection, despondency, frustration – and these unleashed amplified negative emotions may result in undesirable, unpleasant and even disastrous consequences.
Have you noticed how some people get violent, argumentative, rude or even melancholic, moody, sullen, depressed, unsociable, unpleasant after a few drinks...?
Never drink when you “need” a drink.
“Intoxication isn’t an escape from your problems – it just worsens the situation by amplifying your problems further”
Dear Reader – in my opinion – the best thing is to be a teetotaller – and avoid drinking alcohol altogether.
But – if you must have a drink – please do make sure that you are feeling positive vibes – and – you are peaceful and happy inside
And – Never Drink when you desperately “Need” that Drink.
Yes – Do Not Drink Alcohol when you are feeling depressed or low or angry or have negative emotions.
Remember this Golden Rule:
If you must drink alcohol – always drink when you are happy – you must enjoy your drinking when you are in good cheer and full of positive vibes.
So – this is my first golden rule of drinking alcohol:
If you must drink alcohol – remember the corollary to the above dictum:
It is okay to have a drink when you don’t “need” that drink.
But – Don’t Drink when you “Need” a Drink.
Cheers ... !!!
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This is based on my personal experience. It may or may not work for you. So please do due diligence before trying out this technique.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.
Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)

This self help article was written by me Vikram Karve around 15 years ago in the year 2002 and posted online by me a number of times in my blogs including at urls: http://creative.sulekha.com/drinking-alcohol-golden-rule-no-1-don-t-drink-when-you-need-a-drink_544617_blog and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2011/10/drinking-alcohol-golden-rule-no-1.html and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2012/03/do-you-drink-to-drown-your-sorrows.html and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2013/10/how-to-drink-alcohol-part-1-does.html and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2013/10/how-to-drink-alcohol-part-2-never-drink.html andhttp://karvediat.blogspot.in/2015/07/boozy-wisdom-never-drink-when-you-need.html and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2016/06/dont-drink-when-you-need-drink.html etc
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