How to Find a Suitable Husband
A Fictional Spoof
This happened more than 33 years ago – in the early 1980’s – when I was a “Babu in Uniform” – pushing files in Delhi.
A smart pretty young woman – maybe 20 or 21 – entered my office.
The young woman said that she had been asked to report to me.
“Me?” I asked, pleasantly surprised.
I looked at her appreciatively – since she was very beautiful.
She smiled coyly at the undisguised admiration in my eyes.
Then – demurely – she said, “Sir, you are the administrative officer…?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Sir – I am a new recruit LDC. I have got orders to join this office. I have come for the reporting interview.”
“Oh, please sit down,” I said.
The young woman sat down – and she handed a folder to me.
The folder had her appointment letter and various certificates – educational, sports, dramatics.
I saw that she was a very intelligent, well qualified and talented girl.
She had done her schooling in a good New Delhi Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) – and she had completed her graduation from a prestigious college in Delhi.
She seemed overqualified and over-talented for this job of a LDC (Lower Division Clerk).
I looked at the young woman and I said to her:
“You have done so well in your graduation – you have a first class with distinction – and you have so many talents – and you have excelled in so many extra-curricular activities. You should study further – do your Post-Graduation or maybe even a Ph.D. degree. Or – if you are interested in taking up a job – you should try to become an officer somewhere. Why don’t you give the Civil Services Exam or Banking Probationary Officers’ Exam or apply for some “Class 1” Officer’s post or try for a job in the Private Sector...? Why do want to do this clerical job as an LDC...?”
“Sir, I want this clerical job in order to improve my marriage prospects...” she said, matter-of-factly.
When I heard this incredulous answer – I was flabbergasted.
I looked at her in silence – not knowing what to say.
The young woman looked at me demurely and she said:
“Sir – please don’t get angry – I am not joking. It is the truth. This is the real reason that I am taking up this clerical job – I am taking up this job of LDC to improve my marriage prospects...”
“Can you please explain to me how doing this LDC job is going to help your marriage prospects...?” I asked, curious.
“Yes, Sir. I will explain to you. Sir – I am the fourth daughter from a lower middle-class family. My father works here in the government secretarial service. He joined as an LDC and now he is a Section Officer now. He is retiring next year. He wants to get me married before he retires. He wants to finish off all his responsibilities before he goes back to his village to settle down there...” she said.
“This is a non-transferable job, Sir – and I will remain in Delhi throughout my life. It will be easy for them to find a suitable boy in the same service – some LDC – or maybe an UDC. Both of us will be working in offices here in the secretariat only. We will never be transferred out of Delhi. And we will get government accommodation in Delhi where we can stay for our entire careers. It is all so convenient...” she said.
“Come on,” I said, “You will easily get an Officer husband.”
She blushed at the disguised compliment – and she said:
“I know Sir. But – we cannot afford the dowry for a high “status match”. It is best for us to remain within our class. Here – everyone wants a girl with a secure, easy and non-transferable “9 to 5” five-day-week government job – like this one. Besides – if I get someone from the same service – he will be elder than me and also senior to me – so he will get more pay than me – and there will be no ego problems.”
I looked at her.
I was had never seen a girl who was so honest and candid.
I smiled at her and I said: “I really appreciate your talking to me so honestly. Welcome to the office. I am sure you will do well.”
Six months later she came to give me the good news.
Her marriage was fixed to a UDC working the neighbouring office.
In fact – it was a love marriage – “love-cum-arranged” – the had “dated” during lunch break in the office canteen and on the lawns outside our office – she had liked the boy – so – she had told her parents – and – they had fixed the match.
Soon – she would be married – and – her father would retire peacefully – all his familial duties done.
Then – she and her UDC husband would get a government quarter nearby – where they would probably live for the next 40 years – till they both retired – hopefully as Section Officers.
They could look forward to a blissful married life – commuting up and down to office together – and – have a stress-free unexciting secure working life – getting slow and steady time bound promotions – and – enjoying all the benefits that come with a government job – especially a comfortable white-collar clerical government job in Delhi.
Years passed – I got transferred all over – I did so many appointments – I met so many people – and – this story went into a remote recess of my memory.
Then – more than 33 years later – after I had retired from the Navy – another interesting incident happened – and suddenly – I remembered this story.
I will tell you all about that hilarious incident in Part 2 of this Blog Post.
Meanwhile – ponder over this story – especially if you are a woman – and tell me – what do you think of the moot question:
“Do some Women take up a Job to improve their Marriage Prospects...?”
(The story I narrated pertains to white-collar “Babudom” – but – believe it or not – I once met a young Techie girl – who told me that she had selected the IT/Software Profession and taken up a job in the IT/ITES industry since it was the easiest place to find a suitable husband...)
Dear Reader: What do you feel...?
And – please read Part 2 of How to Find a Suitable Husband – the next post on my blog...
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This story is a fictional spoof, pure fiction, satire, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.
Copyright © Vikram Karve (All Rights Reserved)
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

This is Part 1 of the
updated version of my story LOOKING FOR A HUSBAND first written by me more than 4 years ago in 2013 and earlier posted online by me on my Academic and Creative Writing Journal Blog on 08 July 2013 titled LOOKING FOR A HUSBAND Musings on Career Women and Marriage Prospects which featured the above Two Stories – THE SMART YOUNG WOMAN and THE SMART YOUNG LADY ARMY OFFICER at url: and and etc
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