Short Fiction – a “Slice of Life” Story
“I am fed up with my father-in-law...” Meera says to me.
“Come on, Meera. It is not the poor old man’s fault that he had a heart attack...” I say.
“It’s not that.”
“Then what is it...?”
“This is his third heart attack.”
“Oh. That’s why you are worried for him.
“I am not worried for him. I am worried about us.”
“What … ?”
Suddenly Meera’s mobile phone rings.
She looks at the display of her cell phone.
Meera excuses herself and she walks out of the office to take the call.
Ten minutes later Meera returns to office.
She looks very tense.
So I ask her: “I hope your father-in-law is okay...?”
“The doctors say he will survive. He is still in the ICU – but he is getting better. He is breathing properly – and he has even started talking now. My husband is in the hospital with him.”
“That’s good. From the look on your face – I thought there was some bad news.”
“There is very bad news.”
“Bad news...? What...?”
“My husband said that my father-in-law is refusing to sign the will...”
“My father-in-law has not made a will bequeathing his property.”
“He hasn’t made his will...?”
“Yes. My father-in-law has not made a will. Just imagine what will happen if he dies. We will lose everything.”
“You will lose everything...? How...?”
“My father-in-law is a self-made man. All his property is self-earned. The huge bungalow on Prabhat Road where we live has been built by him. Everyone has their eyes on our bungalow.”
“Yes. That bungalow is prime property. It must be worth a few crores.”
“Just imagine. We – my husband and I – we sacrificed everything. My husband and I stayed back in India – so that we could look after him. We could have also gone to America like his other children. When the old man is alive – they don’t bother about him – and we have to do everything for him. But the moment he dies – they will be all here to claim their pound of flesh – like vultures.”
“Of course. The last time my husband’s sister was here – I came to know that she was in discrete talks with a builder for redeveloping the bungalow in exchange for a flat – I hate greedy NRIs like her – they ditch the country – they abandon their parents – they go abroad to have a good life – but they still want to have a flat in Pune.”
“That’s really unfair. If you have looked after the old man all your life – then you must get the bungalow. Why don’t you talk to your father-in-law...?”
“We have have talked to him. Every time we ask him – he says he is going to give his bungalow and all his property to us. He says that he has told everyone about this. But – he refuses to put it in writing – in black and white.”
“Yes. We have asked him so many times to make a will – but he refuses every time.”
“Why...? Why is your father-in-law refusing to make his will...?”
“He is superstitious.”
“Yes. My father-in-law says that he has a gut-feeling that – the moment he makes a will – he may die.”
“How silly...?”
“And – he has had three heart attacks till now. This time it was really bad. They say that a “creaking gate hangs long” – but the way his health is failing – I don’t think it is going to be very long before he dies.”
“Yes. This time you must convince him to write his will when he comes home from hospital.”
“Why wait till he comes back from hospital...? What is the guarantee that he will come back...? I am not going to wait that long. I am going to get the will signed by him right now. ”
“Right now...? What do you mean...?”
“I told you – didn’t I...? My husband has taken the papers to hospital.”
“Your husband has taken the will papers to the hospital to get your father-in-law’s signature...?”
“Yes. I have got a proper will drafted by a lawyer. I have sent the will with my husband to the hospital. I have given an ultimatum to my husband to make sure my father-in-law signs the will today. I have even asked the lawyer to go there as a witness. The moment my father-in-law signs the will – the lawyer will get signatures of witnesses – and – he will go to the registry and get the will properly registered. I have warned my husband that he should come home only after all this is done. I have told my husband that I will not allow him to enter the house unless he shows me the properly signed and registered will of my father-in-law.”
“Now – all my husband has to do is get the old man’s signature. I have warned my husband that there will be hell to pay if he fails to get his father’s signature on the will. This time I am serious. I have told my husband that if my father-in-law refuses to sign the will – we are going to walk out of his house – and go to live elsewhere. Let the old man’s other children come here and look after him – they all want a share in his property, isn’t it...? We – my husband and I – we have looked after the old man – so the old man must give my husband his entire wealth and property. If my father-in-law’s other children they want a share in my father-in-law’s property – then let them come here and share some responsibility of looking after him as well … ”
Suddenly – I see the head of our boss popping into our office.
Our boss looks at Meera – and he gives Meera a polite smile.
Then our boss looks at me – and he says to me: “Smita – can you please come out for a moment...?”
I follow the boss into the lobby.
When we are alone – the boss says to me: “There is some bad news for Meera.”
“Meera’s father-in-law...? He died...?” I ask.
“No. Meera’s husband died. Meera’s husband had a massive heart attack and he died on the spot...” the boss says.
What a tragedy of fate.
Meera’s old father-in-law came home hale and hearty.
Meera’s young husband died in the hospital.
And – do you know what was the tragic irony...?
For many years – Meera had been asking her old father-in-law to make a will.
But – Meera’s own young husband had not made a will.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
This story is a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.
Copyright © Vikram Karve (All Rights Reserved)
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

This Story was Written by me Vikram Karve in April 2013 and Earlier
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