A Fascinating Book
Reading can be fun.
Reading can also be therapeutic.
Bibliotherapy may be defined as the use of books to help people solve problems.
Yes – you can benefit from bibliotherapy – use books to solve issues that you may be facing at a particular time
Many of us use bibliotherapy without realizing it.
Reading is ameliorative in nature – and – an enjoyable read always cheers you up – and puts you in a good mood.
Whenever I am in a blue mood – I browse through my bookshelves and pick up a good book.
For me – reading is the greatest of all joys.
The moment I start reading a book – I enter a different world – and this change of environment has a positive effect on my mood and emotion – and lo and behold – my spirits are uplifted.
Those who do not have the habit of reading remain imprisoned in their moods and immediate surroundings.
I have just picked up a delightful little book called “The Ladies Oracle” by Cornelius Agrippa from my bookcase.
Here is a picture of title page of the book:
Here is a picture of title page of the book:
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THE LADIES’ ORACLE By Cornelius Agrippa
Let me tell you about this intriguing book The Ladies’ Oracle
You will see how this book will amuse you – cheer you up – and lifts your spirits too – an ideal book for BIBLIOTHERAPY.
Whenever I buy a book – I write down the date and place of purchase on its first page.
I have duly recorded that I bought The Ladies Oracle on 14 February 1989 on the pavement bookstalls opposite the Central Telegraph Office (CTO) near Hutatma Chowk (Flora Fountain) at Fort in Mumbai (then called Bombay).
I don’t remember what prompted me to buy The Ladies Oracle.
I don’t remember what prompted me to buy The Ladies Oracle.
Maybe to present it to my darling wife.
Or maybe – because there was no such book as “The Gentleman’s Oracle” – available at the pavement bookstall.
But that is not important now.
So – let’s talk more about this amusing little book.
Let’s get down to using this delightful oracle.
First choose a question from the ninety five listed in the book from pages (v) to (viii) numbered 5 to 100
(I wonder where the first five questions are?)
I select question number 35: – Shall I always enjoy good health...?
Now as per the the instructions, I turn to page (i), close my eyes and put my finger on the table of signs.
I open my eyes and see that I have placed my finger on the sign representing a single square.
Now I consult the table starting from page ten, follow the line marked by the number of the question (35th line) till I arrive at the column which has the chosen sign over it, and this figure gives me the number of the page (74).
I open page 74 and look the sign traced by my finger ( a single square) and alongside it I find my answer: – You will always have joy, health and prosperity...!
I’m feeling good already.
Bibliotherapy seems to be working.
Now the next question, number 15: – How many lovers shall I have...?
I follow the same earlier procedure as stipulated in the instructions and the Oracle gives me the answer: – A great many, but those that have so many generally choose the worst...!
Hey, I have to be careful in love…!!!
The next question, number 91: – What opinion has the world of me...?
The Oracle answers: – You are thought to have had more than one adventure...!
I wonder whether I have really sown my wild oats that much...?
Shall I be happy in love...? I ask next.
And the oracle says: – You will find more pain than pleasure...!
Oh, Dear…!
I better steer clear of falling in love...!
So I ask: Will my reputation be always good...?
The oracle answers: It will always be as you make it...!
I must take care to build up a good reputation...!!!
Shall I go many long voyages...?
The oracle answers:
You will do well not to voyage farther than round your own room...!
That puts an end to all my travel plans...!
All I am going to do my entire life is go round and round in my room...!
What a gloomy answer...!
And – I thought browsing books was supposed to lift my spirits...!
Okay – just one last question – and the answer better be something good to cheer me up – or else – no more ‘bibliotherapy’ for me!
I select question number 74: – What is the person that I am thinking about doing at this moment...?
the Oracle answers: – She regrets not being with you...!
My, My...!
It seems to good to be true…!
So I call her up.
She says in her sweet loving voice:
“What a coincidence. I was just thinking of you and the good times we had together – I wish you were here with me…”
Bibliotherapy really works.
I feel thrilled, jubilant, ecstatic, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven – and right on top of the world – as I rush off to surprise my beloved sweetheart.
And just imagine – I thought that she never even thought about me...!
Looks like it is the end of what I thought was my one way unrequited love – and – the beginning of a new exciting romantic relationship.
Yes, things are looking up…!!!
Long live The Ladies Oracle
Oh, Yes – The Ladies Oracle is a delightful little book you can consult from time to time on matters of love and life.
Believe me – you’ll enjoy reading and using this marvellous book.
It may be called The “Ladies” Oracle – but I feel that even men can consult it with satisfying results.
Dear Reader – why don’t you try it out…?
I am sure you can easily get a copy of THE LADIES ORACLE online or at your bookstore.
It is delightfully entertaining reading – guaranteed to lift your spirits.
I always carry this oracle in my pocket to enliven my moments of waiting – waiting at airports, railway stations, while travelling.
Take it with you everywhere and you will never be bored.
It is a small book – pocket-size – easy to carry everywhere.
Get a copy of this interesting book – The Ladies Oracle
By the way – while surfing the net – I discovered that The Ladies Oracle is available as a free download for your smartphone at the link ->
(Please do due diligence before you download – and – download and use the oracle at your own risk – and – just for fun)
Then just ask the questions you always wanted to ask – and enjoy the answers…!!!
Do tell us whether you found The Ladies’ Oracle useful in matters of love and life.
Long live Bibliotherapy
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This story is a spoof, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.
Copyright © Vikram Karve (All Rights Reserved)
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

This Book Review was Written By Me Vikram Karve more than 25 years ago in the early 1990s and first posted on my creative writing blog in the year 2004 at url: and reposted a number pf times in my blogs including at urls: and and and and and etc
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