Management Musings
I am sure you have read a book called
PARKINSON’S LAW and are familiar with Parkinson’s First Law:
“Work expands to fill the time available for
its completion”
This law had its genesis in an analytical
study of the Admiralty and most of us have seen this law in operation in the
military and civilian bureaucracy.
Parkinson’s First Law comprises Chapter 1 of
this book.
As you read on, in Chapter 6 titled HIGH
FINANCE, you will find another interesting law: THE LAW OF TRIVIALITY
The author describes the goings on in a finance
committee meeting.
An atomic reactor costing 10 million pounds
is cleared without much discussion because most of the committee members are
clueless about the intricacies of an atomic reactor.
A proposal for a bicycle shed costing 350
pounds is hotly debated for more than an hour and finally not approved as
members feel the estimate is too costly.
This is because everyone can visualize a
bicycle shed, everyone has some idea about construction costs, and the paltry
sum of 350 pounds is within everybody’s comprehension.
Haven’t we seen similar things happening in
uniform, both at the macro and at the micro levels?
A sophisticated expensive weapon system or an
extravagant technology project costing hundreds of crores of rupees is
sanctioned quickly without much debate because the powers-that-be comprising
politicians, bureaucrats and “non-technical” senior officers are quite clueless
about state-of-the-art technologies.
On the other hand, a comparatively trivial
expenditure like a small monetary allowance to soldiers or “one rank one
pension” to ex-servicemen is acrimoniously debated and discussed ad nauseum, and in all probability, the
powers-that-be are reluctant to sanction this comparatively trivial expenditure
because they can clearly comprehend the proposal.
This “law of triviality” can be observed at
the micro level too.
Take the example of Officers Mess General
Body Meetings.
The all-important financial balance sheet is
passed without much discussion.
I remember an instance where a junior officer
who asked some uncomfortable questions about large expenditures shown in the
balance sheet was told to shut up and sit down by the PMC who admonished him, “The
Balance Sheet has been audited by a CA – you are a piddly Lieutenant – do you
know more about accounting and finance than a bloody CA?”
On the other hand, trivial items of
expenditure like increasing daily messing charges, enhancing party shares, purchase
of crockery, glassware and flowerpots, which newspapers and magazines to buy
for the library, nominal increase in honorarium to mess employees – these are
hotly debated issues since everyone is a “know-it-all” on these matters.
Dear Reader:
Have you observed the LAW OF TRIVIALITY in
action, in and out of Uniform?
Do tell us about your hilarious experiences.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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