Today is the 30th of September and I am “celebrating” my Retirement Anniversary.
I retired exactly 4 years ago.
So, here is a post on “Retirement Planning” to “celebrate” my retirement anniversary.
Today is the 30th of September and I am “celebrating” my Retirement Anniversary.
I retired exactly 4 years ago.
So, here is a post on “Retirement Planning” to “celebrate” my retirement anniversary.
Incoherent Ramblings of a Retired Mind
A few days ago I met an ex-shipmate who is still serving in the Indian Navy but is going to retire soon.
Since I am “retired” for a few years now, he asked me about life after retirement.
‘Life is just the same,’ I said.
‘What are you saying, Sir? Life is just the same? How can that be? Are you telling me that nothing has changed after retirement?’ he asked.
‘Yes,’ I said, ‘Life is just the same after retirement as it was before.’
‘But how is that possible? How can retired life be the same as navy life?’
‘Well, at least for me, nothing has changed – I am doing the same thing after retirement that I used to do while in service,’ I said.
‘You do the same thing after retirement that you did while in the navy? I don’t understand? You do the same work that you did in the navy? Which job is this? Sir, please tell me – I am curious – exactly what do you do?’
I looked at my “about to retire” navy friend and said nonchalantly:
‘NOTHING – I do “nothing”. When I was serving in the navy I was busy doing “nothing” wearing uniform – now I am busy doing “nothing” wearing civilian clothes.’
The foundation of a happy retired life is good retirement planning.
And the Best Retirement Planning Mantra is:
Learn to do “nothing” while still in service
If you can achieve this, your second innings will be as joyful as your first innings.
These are my personal views. Try this retirement mantra at your own risk after due diligence.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
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