Fiction Short Story
This morning – during my morning walk – I saw some stray dogs – and – I “talked to” them.
And – I remembered this story I had written long ago.
So – let me delve into my Creative Writing Archives and pull out this story for you to read.
It is one of my poignant dog stories
I wrote this story more than 11 years ago – in the year 2006 – at the height of the real estate boom in Pune.
Do tell me if you like this story...
A DOG’S LIFE STORY By Vikram Karve
Part 1 – TENSION
There is tension brewing in my house.
My brother, my sister, even my mother – all are trying to convince my father to sell off our lovely spacious bungalow with a huge compound surrounded by plenty of greenery on the banks the Mula river near Aundh on the outskirts of Pune.
But my father won’t budge.
I sprawl in the verandah and listen to their conversation.
“Please try to understand, Papa...” my brother pleads, “we can’t stay in this dilapidated place forever. The builder is giving us a fantastic deal – a luxurious 4 BHK premium penthouse flat – and that too near Deccan Gymkhana – plus whatever money you want in exchange for this godforsaken place.”
“Godforsaken place? How dare you say that? I have built this house with my sweat and blood. I like it here – and I am going to live here till my dying day!” my father affirms, “If you want to go – you all can go wherever you like. I am not going anywhere – I am staying here.”
“Please, Papa!” my sister implores, “Deccan Gymkhana! Just imagine living in Deccan Gymkhana! It’s such a posh locality – and so near my college and all the happening places.”
“It will be better for you too,” my mother says, “I have seen the place. Luxurious fully furnished flats in a brand new posh building – right opposite Kamala Nehru Park. It is so near your library – and your club – and you can walk and sit in the beautiful park. You will love it there.”
“Meena!” my father says angrily to my mother, “You have already gone and seen it – without even telling me!”
“Sanjay took me there in the morning,” my mother says sheepishly.
“Over my dead body!” my father shouts furiously.
He gets up from his chair.
My father looks at me, and he says, “I’m going for a walk. Come Moti – Chain, Chain!”
I jump in delight at the prospect of this unexpected extra outing – and I rush to get my chain from its place under the staircase.
I bring the chain in my mouth – actually it’s not a metallic chain – but a leather leash – and I hold it in front of my father who ties it to my collar.
Then he picks up his walking stick – and off we go for nice long walk on the jungle path skirting the banks of the Mula river.
My father becomes playful and sings to me, “Come, come, come, Moti come!” – and I teasingly grab the lead in my mouth – wag my tail – and spring up and down – and my father says, “Drop it! Drop it!” – and I let go off the lead and bounce along.
“I don’t know why my father is so stubborn, so adamant,” my brother says to the real estate agent next morning as they talk on the lawn in front of our beloved bungalow, “I think he has gone senile!”
“He’s not gone senile at all,” the wily agent says, “in fact I think your father is a shrewd bargainer.”
“Shrewd bargainer?”
“Had you sold this bungalow last year you wouldn’t have got even half the price you are getting now. Real estate has suddenly skyrocketed – and yours is the only plot left in this entire place – that’s why they are offering you so much. The developer has managed to acquire everything around here – even that finicky old lady’s place. He’s given her a flat in Mumbai and enough money to live her remaining life in luxury. Once he gets your bungalow he can start his project. That’s why he’s offering you so much – the maximum – it’s a fantastic offer – a deluxe exclusive penthouse apartment in the posh elite Deccan Gymkhana locality – plus a hefty sum of money. I am telling you now for the last time – you better make the deal fast – otherwise they will somehow manage to get hold of your place by hook or crook.”
“Hook or crook...?”
“The developer – he’s a big guy – he’s got connections right till the top. Big money is involved. They can even get the DP altered.”
“Yes, DP – it means Development Plan. They’re so desperate to start the project that they’ll get the DP changed and get your land acquired for their project. Then you’ll get a pittance and regret all your life. Better strike while the iron is hot.”
“We will try and convince our father,” my brother says, and then asks the agent, “What’s coming up in this desolate place anyway?”
“It’s a huge 5-star project – IT Park, BPOs, Hotels, Malls, Multiplexes… This whole place is going to be transformed into something so magnificent and futuristic you can’t even imagine – you better make your father see reason, otherwise you’ll be just swept away by the winds of change. Even if you manage to stick on your lone bungalow will be dwarfed between high rise commercial structures all around and it will be difficult to live here.”
Sitting quietly – unnoticed by anyone – I hear every word carefully and I feel confused, apprehensive and frightened by all this – but I know my father will not succumb.
And my chest swells with pride as I know the reason why!
At night, curled up on my mat under my father’s and mother’s double-bed – I attentively listen to my mother nagging my father as they lie down to sleep.
My mother says to my father, “Please Shankar. Don’t be so obstinate. Try to understand – at least for the children’s sake.”
“What about Moti?” my father asks.
“Yes, Moti. Tell me Meena – have you thought about Moti? She can’t live cooped up in a multi-storey flat – she need all this ground and space – there Moti will suffocate,” my father says matter-of-factly.
“What?” my mother suddenly shouts, “I cannot believe this! You are more bothered about that bloody pie-dog than your own children!”
“Pie-dog? How dare you? Moti is not a pie-dog – she is my daughter!” my father says emphatically.
“Daughter? Have you gone mad Shankar? The comfort of that wretched mongrel is more important to you than the future of your own children, your own blood!”
“Listen Meena,” my father says, “The children will grow up and go way, but Moti will remain with us forever.”
My heart swells with affection and tears of happiness well up in my eyes.
Words cannot describe the immense love, adoration and warmth I feel for my father.
Part 2 – MY LIFE
My name is Moti.
In Marathi – Moti means Pearl – and generally it is a boy’s name.
But – despite me being a girl – my father named me Moti – and I like it.
I was born in the garbage dump down the street.
My ‘birth-mother’ was the local street dog – and she died a few days after giving birth to me and my six brothers and sisters.
My ‘dog-father’ is unknown.
But somehow – they left me behind – and I lay helpless and frightened – wondering what was going to be my destiny – when suddenly – I found a tough-looking bearded man staring at me.
“She was destined to come here,” my father said feeding me warm milk when everyone asked him why he had brought such an ugly, weak and sickly pie-dog home.
And as I drifted into sleep – my father gently fondled me with his hands.
As I grew up – everyone started liking me – my mother who I follow all around the house – my brother who is a Software Engineer – my sister who studies in Fergusson College – and, of course – my father – who always adored me.
I am sure my father loves me even more than his “human” children.
I wake up early in the morning – get off my cozy mat under my father’s bed – and I rub my cold wet nose against his hand – and I give him a lick.
He gets up from bed and opens the main door to let me jump out into the garden – do my ‘little job’ at my favorite place near the mango tree – generally dig in the soft morning mud a bit – and sniff around to find out if there are any new morning smells – not forgetting to run and welcome the milkman – the moment he comes on his cycle.
When I return – I find that my father is back in his bed – and my mother is up and about.
Earlier – when I was small and impatient – I used to snuffle out the tidbit from my father’s hand – but this spoilt his fun – and he became grumpy.
Now that I am a mature young girl well experienced in the ways of the human world – I have realized that it is better for us dogs to act dumb – and let these humans think they are smarter than us.
The moment the newspaperman comes on his cycle and shouts ‘paper’ – I rush to the gate and fetch the newspaper in my mouth – gripping it just right between my teeth – and I come running back and hold the newspaper up to my horizontal father lying in bed.
He gets up – takes the paper from me – and gives me the dog-biscuit he’s been hiding in his hand – as my mother – who has rushed behind me – watches me with loving pride in her eyes.
And – as I dart between their beds wagging my tail – they both hug and cuddle me all over – and say:
“Good Morning, Moti. Moti is a good girl...!!!”
Everyone is cheerful and happy – and my day is made...!!!
Soon my father will be up and about – and he will call me for playing the “bone-game” – but before that let me tell you about my home.
When I want to go out – I tap the front door with my paws and they let me out.
And when I want to come in – I peep through the windows –and – if no one notices I bang the door from the outside – or I make entreating imploring sounds.
He uses words and speaks in human language – while I rely on varied sounds like whines and howls and groans and non-verbal antics like nudging, pawing, begging, tugging, licking – and when I want his attention desperately – giving him a shake-hand.
I am lucky.
My parents don’t tie me up – but leave me free to roam and play around as I please.
And there is so much to explore and investigate – in the nooks and corners of our verdant garden – which has plenty of trees, bushes and hedges.
My father has warned me not to leave the compound – but sometimes I can’t resist the temptation – and I slither under a gap I have discovered under the fence – and I go out to explore the street outside – but take care to quickly return unnoticed.
The only few days he totally restricts my freedom is when I have my chums. He becomes very overprotective, and guards me like a shadow, never taking me off the leash when we go outdoors.
I felt miserable – and I sulked – but then my father caressed and baby-talked me – and I knew how much he loved and cared for me – and it was all okay.
When I was small – and my gums itched – and my milk teeth began to break through – I could not resist chewing up anything I could lay my teeth upon – like shoes, slippers, clothes, toothbrushes, furniture.
I especially loved chewing up my father’s favourite Kolhapuri ‘Kapshi’ chappals which were so silky-soft and yummy.
One day my inquisitive mother found out – and she dug up the bone when I was sleeping – and hid in under the pomegranate tree.
When I didn’t find the bone – at first – I was confused.
Then – I tracked the bone down with my nose – and when I spied my mother giggling and grinning like a Cheshire cat – I knew who the culprit was.
I wondered how they found the bone so fast – till one day I caught them spying crouching behind the hedge when they thought I wasn’t looking – and the mystery was solved.
Part 3 – DOG DAYS
One day my brother – my sister – and even my mother – they all gang up on my poor hapless father – apply all kinds of pressure – emotional blackmail – threats – cajoling – and soon he wilts – his defenses broken down – and it is not long before we leave our beloved bungalow – and we move – lock stock and barrel – to the“luxurious” flat in Deccan Gymkhana.
For me – life turns horrible - my new life is worse than hell...
I can’t even pee where I please after sniffing around and selecting a bush, or a tree – as in the good old days.
The streets outside are so crowded that we have to squeeze ourselves in the dense crowd – and the hustle bustle – and the din of chaotic traffic drives me and my father crazy.
My father tried to take me to play in the verdant Kamala Nehru Park near our house.
But one day – we were rudely stopped at the entrance of the park by a securityman – who showed my father the sign painted in red:
And so – that was the end of my playing in the park with my father – and now – he has to take me for a walk in the building parking lot below since the roads are too crowded.
In short – my life is hell ever since we came here to this flat in Deccan Gymkhana.
He tries to make up by being more and more affectionate towards me – and I too feel sorry for him – so I snuggle up to him whenever I can – and I tell him it’s okay – and I am happy.
My loving father and I have become closer to each other than ever before and we endure our misery together in silence – while the rest of my family – celebrating their newly-found affluence – are becoming more and more distant.
One evening – while huffing and puffing up the stairs – my father suddenly cries out my name: “Moti...Moti...Moti...!!!”
And then my father drops my leash – he clutches his heart – and he collapses in a heap.
And then – suddenly they all appear.
They carry my father to the lift – and take him away.
I follow them to the gate – and I watch them put my father in a car.
I want to go with my father – so I rush towards the car – but they “shoo” me away.
They all say he is dead – and I never see my father again.
Things change after my father’s death.
My brother gets married.
His newly wedded wife hates dogs – so they tie me up in a dirty corner of the terrace for the whole day.
For the first time in my life I realize that I – Moti – once the apple of their eyes – have now become a terrible burden.
Days pass.
A baby is born – a boy.
And I am further banished from the house – lest the delicate baby get allergic.
One day – the baby crawls towards me.
My brother’s wife comes running out and starts shouting, “The dog – the dog – The dog is killing my baby!”
And my mother comes out – and she runs towards me.
I try to lovingly lick the baby.
But my mother takes the baby away.
Then my mother comes back – and she glares at me – while I look at her trying to convince her of my innocence.
But it’s of no use.
Everyone thinks that I have harmed the baby.
In the evening – my brother comes home – and he and his wife have a heated argument about me.
“Either I stay in this house – or the dog stays...” she warns my brother threateningly, “I can’t leave my baby with this dangerous dog. If the dog stays – I’ll go to my mother’s place. You make your choice.”
Later – in the evening – after taking me for my customary walk – my brother stops by at the vet doctor’s clinic – and I overhear snippets of their conversation:
“...dangerous dog ...attacked baby... unprovoked aggressive behaviour… put to sleep…”
“put to sleep”...
Alarm Bells ring in my mind.
Are they are planning to kill me...?
As I see the face of death – a terrible fear drills into my insides.
My brother chases me.
So I turn swiftly into an alley.
I see a garbage dump – and I quickly jump inside the rubbish dump and hide myself in the filth.
Wallowing miserably in the filth – I smile to myself at the irony of it all.
I was:
“Born in a Rubbish Dump”
Now it looks like I am destined to:
“Die in a Rubbish Dump”
A Tragedy – isn’t it...?
Well that’s my story – a Dog’s Life Story.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
This story is a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Copyright Notice:
No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.
Copyright © Vikram Karve (All Rights Reserved)
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

This story was written by me more than 11 years ago in the year 2006 and first posted online by me on my creative writing blog at url: http://creative.sulekha.com/a-dog-s-life_56823_blog and also in my other creative writing blogs including at urls:http://creative.sulekha.com/moti-the-life-story-of-a-stray-dog_477177_blog and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2010/07/moti-autobiography-of-stray-dog.html and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2012/11/the-autobiography-of-stray-dog.html and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2015/03/a-dogs-life-story-of-moti-rescued-dog.html andhttp://karvediat.blogspot.in/2016/03/a-dogs-life-life-story-of-rescued-dog_18.html and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2017/02/a-dogs-life-story.html etc
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