I thought I should delve deep into my Foodie Archives and pull out this recipe for a Foodie Friend...
A “Try it at Your Own Risk” Recipe
Let me share with you a recipe given to me a Foodie “Fauji” Army Brat.
(By the way – in the Indian Army – the Cook House for Soldiers is called Langar – and hence the name “langarwala” mutton curry)
1. Take a pan – pour in a liberal quantity of oil (preferably mustard oil) – and put it on the stove.
2. When the oil is hot – add cut onions – sauté the onions till brown.
3. Add finely chopped ginger, garlic and green chillies – and sauté.
4. Add chopped Tomatoes – stir and sauté.
5. Add Powdered Spices (Turmeric, Dhania, Jeera, Red Chilly Powder) – and stir nicely.
6. Now add Beer (5 spoons) + Rum (4 spoons) + Gin (3 spoons) + Whisky (2 spoons) + Vinegar (1 spoon)
7. Stir and sauté – till the oil separates from the gravy.
8. Add 1 Kg of Mutton (cut in medium size pieces) – stir and sauté.
9. If required – add a little water from time to time to prevent mutton from sticking to the pan.
10. After some time – the oil will separate from the “mutton masala” gravy.
11. Now – add salt and “meat masala powder” – and stir.
12. Then – add enough hot water, mix and bring to boil.
13. Once the gravy boils – lower the heat – cover the pan – and allow to the mutton to cook on low heat for 30 to 60 minutes till the mutton is fully cooked to your satisfaction.
If you like your meat soft and well-done – cook the mutton till it almost falls of the bone.
14. Marinating the mutton by rubbing it with raw papaya tenderizes the meat and makes is cook faster.
15. Once the mutton is cooked – season with black pepper – and garnish with freshly chopped coriander.
16. Serve hot with chappati, roti, phulkas – or even with fresh buns, bread or pav.
Or – if you prefer – you can have this curry with rice too.
1. This is an “experimental” recipe – so try it at your own risk
2. Skip step 6 in case you are a Teetotaller.
3. Vary the Exact Quantity/Proportion of ingredients as per your culinary experience and taste.
They say that “Langar Wala” Mutton Curry tastes better after you have downed a few pegs of Rum.
In my early days of cooking – I cooked with a glass of “Rum–Paani” at my side (and a bottle of Rum nearby).
My recipe would have read this way:
1. Pour a large peg of Rum – and top up the glass with Water.
2. Place the pan on the stove.
3. Have a sip of Rum.
4. Add oil to the pan.
5. Have two sips of Rum.
6. Add chopped onions and sauté.
7. From time to time keep sipping Rum from your glass – and sauté the onions till you finish your glass of Rum-Paani (Rum with Water).
8. Add ginger, garlic, chilly paste and mix properly.
9. Make another drink of Rum-Paani.
… And so on and so forth – till you add the mutton – and cover it to cook on slow fire …
After you cover the mutton curry to let it cook – you may relax for some time.
In the interregnum – you must have 3 large pegs of Rum.
After this – taste the meat.
Then – have another peg of Rum till the mutton curry is fully done.
Then – start eating the mutton curry piping hot.
Depending on the quality of the mutton (and your mood) – this dish should take around 5 to 6 large pegs of Rum for it to be fully ready.
And – after imbibing 6 pegs of Rum (almost half a bottle) – you will be fully in the mood to relish the delicious “Langar Wala” Mutton Curry.
Happy Cooking...!!!
Happy Eating...!!!
Copyright © Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
1. This is an “experimental” recipe – so try it at your own risk. Skip step 6 in case you are a Teetotaller. Vary the Exact Quantity/Proportion of ingredients as per your culinary experience and taste.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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Copyright © Vikram Karve (All Rights Reserved)
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

Revised Version of My Recipe MILITARY FOOD - ARMY STYLE COOKING : FAUJI “LANGAR WALA” MUTTON CURRY posted by me Vikram Karve online earlier in my Academic and Creative Writing Journal Blog at url:
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