(7th January to 12th January 2023)
Memories of the Reunion by Vikram Karve

Before I tell you about our wonderful reunion – let me make a confession.
Apropos of the Class of 1971 reunion – my role was akin to that of “Yossarian” of Catch-22 – and – while participating in various events of the reunion – I probably had the same feelings as Yossarian may have experienced when he visited the officers’ club that he did not help build.
I am sure you have read Catch-22.
All Officers posted in Pianosa decide to build a club on their own and they put in a tremendous amount of effort to build a good Officers’ Club in Pianosa.
However – the sole exception is Yossarian – who is proud of his ability to avoid work – he contributes nothing to help build the club – he does not go for even a single day to work on building the officers’ club.
But once the Officers’ Club is ready – Yossarian visits the club almost every day – and he makes maximum use of the facilities – which he had not helped build.
Let me quote a paragraph from Catch-22 which encapsulates this sentiment (emphasis mine):
“Actually there were many officers’ clubs that Yossarian had not helped build – but he was proudest of the one on Pianosa.
It was a sturdy and complex monument to his powers of determination.
Yossarian never went there to help until it was finished – then he went there often – so pleased was he with the large, fine, rambling shingled building.
It was a truly splendid building – and – Yossarian throbbed with a mighty sense of accomplishment each time he gazed at it – and reflected that – none of the work that had gone into it was his…”
For me – it was a similar equation as far as the reunion was concerned.
Ranjit – from “Down Under” – was the “prime mover” of the reunion – coordinating everything with his indefatigable initiative – and motivating classmates to attend the reunion.
Madan – unassuming and assiduous – organized the Kerala leg, our transportation – and so much more – especially the “beverages”.
Some of our classmates hosted wonderful evenings of stimulating cocktails and sumptuous dinners at Ooty Club, Coonoor Club and The Culinarium – and – thanks to the redoubtable “Team Bunty” – we enjoyed an unforgettable day of boating and picnicking at Pykara Lake.
Everyone contributed – I must have been the sole exception.
Effort-wise – I contributed nothing – but – as far as enjoyment was concerned – I was at the forefront – thoroughly enjoying myself to the hilt – eating, drinking, merrymaking and participating in every event with joy, fervor and full gusto.
In hindsight – I feel that the least I can do – as my miniscule contribution – is to write about the reunion on my blog – as a memoir and record for posterity.
In the next part – I will write about our visit to the school on the 8th of January 2023.
And then – I shall try and tell you about all the events.
Meanwhile – here is a group photo of the “Classy Class of 1971”

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