Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Unfinished Story : Quick Divorce


Story by Vikram Karve




Monika gives Nisha a legal looking document and a pen.

“Sign at the places which I have marked with a small cross in pencil…” Monika says to Nisha.

Nisha reads the document – and she is aghast with the contents of the document.

“What is all this written here – “cruelty” – “domestic violence” – “498A” – “dowry” – “physical assault” – “marital rape” – “sexual abuse” – “unnatural sex”…?” Nisha says – shocked.

“You just sign…” Monika says to Nisha.

“But all this never happened…” Nisha says to Monika.

“You want a quick divorce – don’t you…?” Monika asks Nisha.

“Yes…” Nisha says.

“Then – you will have to do what I tell you to do – you just sign the papers – I will get you a quick divorce and a substantial settlement – more than you can even imagine…” Monika says.

Nisha hesitates – unsure of what to do.

Observing Nisha’s hesitation – Monika feels that Nisha needs more convincing to sign the documents – so – she decides to explain the case in a simple manner.

Monika looks at Nisha and smiles.

“I will explain all the points in your case in a simple manner…” Monika says to Nisha.

“Okay…” Nisha says.

“One month ago – you walked out of your husband’s house in Pune and came to your brother’s house in Delhi…” Monika says.

“Yes…” Nisha says.

“You want to go back to Pune…” Monika says.

“Yes – I can’t live with my brother and sister-on-law forever – and – there is no career opportunity for me here in this small town – and – why should I quit my excellent job in Pune…?” Nisha says.

“Your brother told me to get you a quick divorce – and – get your husband out of his bungalow so that you can live there…” Monika says to Nisha.

“Will it be so easy…?” Nisha says – looking skeptical.

Monika looks into Nisha’s eyes – and speaks in an assuring tone.

“Why are you so full of doubt and negativity …? Remember – everything is in favor of the wife – the law – sympathy of society – everything will be in your favor – and everyone will believe whatever you say…” Monika says, “so you must take full advantage of the situation…”

“But – accusing him of all these things that he never did…” Nisha is saying – when Monika interrupts her.

“Divorce is war – and – everything is fair in war…” Monika says, “you want a quick divorce – don’t you…? Will he give you a quick divorce…? You asked him on the phone – didn’t you…?”

“He called me after I left – he asked me to come back to him…” Nisha said.

“Do you want to go back to him…?” Monika asked Nisha.

“No. Never…” Nisha says vehemently, “I cannot live with that man…”

“Well – if you go by the normal route – your divorce may take months – even years – especially if he is not willing to give you divorce…” Monika says, “they will keep sending you to counsellors for reconciliation – are you ready to wait that long…?”

“No. No. I want a quick divorce…” Nisha says – excitedly.

“Then – you just do what I tell you to do – you sign the papers – and – I will ensure you get a quick divorce – his bungalow – and – a generous amount of money…” Monika says.

“Will he agree…?” Nisha says – skeptical.

“I am going personally to Pune tomorrow to meet him – I will show him these papers and tell him he has two options – agree to our conditions – or – go to jail – I will scare him so much that he will agree to whatever I say…” Monika says – haughtily.

“The bungalow – it is ancestral property…” Nisha says.

“It is your matrimonial home – he can’t evict you from the bungalow – in fact – I will make sure he leaves the bungalow – and – the bungalow will be all yours…” Monika says.

“The bungalow will be mine…?” Nisha asks – curious.

“Yes – we will throw him out…” Monika says.

“Throw him out of his own bungalow…?” Nisha asks – incredulous.

“If removal of husband is only way to ensure domestic peace – he must be asked to leave the house…” Monika says, “there are judgements to this effect…”

“Domestic Peace…?” Nisha says – with an unsure look on her face.

“You haven’t read the papers properly – specific instances of domestic violence have been mentioned…” Monika says, “of course – there is no need for you to read them – I have drafted them meticulously – I have covered everything possible – you just sign the papers – and – leave it to me…”

Nisha signs the papers as directed by Monika.

Monika picks up the papers and checks Nisha’s signature – then – then Monika puts the papers in her briefcase and she closes the briefcase.

Monika looks at Nisha and speaks with an air of confidence.

“You told me that your husband is meek by nature…” Monika says to Nisha.

“Yes…” Nisha says, “he is very timid – a docile sissy…”

“That’s good…” Monica says, “it will be easy to scare him – now – you leave the rest to me – I will go to Pune tomorrow and talk to your husband – he will realize that he has two choices – either he gives you what you want – or – he goes to jail – and risks losing his reputation, job, everything…” Monika says confidently to Nisha, “I will get you a quick divorce – the bungalow – and – a substantial settlement – more that you can imagine…”

And then – Monika leaves.


(To Be Continued...) 


NB: I started writing this story around 2 years ago or maybe even more. Then, I forgot about it. I discovered this unfinished story while browsing through my creative writing folder. So, I decided to complete this story. Here is Part 1. I will try my best to write the remaining Parts and post the complete story at the earliest.



Copyright © Vikram Karve 
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

1. This story is a spoof, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
3. E&OE

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