Friday, August 16, 2013



Yesterday, on Independence Day, I was chatting with some youngsters.

Most of them had heard, on the media, some rather unbecoming statements about soldiers made by politicians in the recent past. 

Most of them wondered why politicians do not care about the plight of soldiers, except for some lip service jingoistic rhetoric in times of crises.

The answer is simple.

Politicians care for those who vote for them, especially their votebanks” comprising those voters who vote en-bloc based on caste, creed, religion or on linguistic lines. 

That is why politicians woo various caste groups and minorities and try to appease them with sops, welfare measures and benefits in order to garner their votes.

Soldiers are not votebanks.

In fact, most soldiers do not vote in elections as they are deprived of their right to vote due to an inefficient postal ballot system. 

The improvisation of proxy voting has also failed miserably.

One does not understand why the archaic method of postal ballot is still being used despite being so unsuccessful.

Though Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) have been introduced long back, there is no initiative to introduce Electronic Online Voting for soldiers. 

It seems that the Election Commission and Senior Defence Officers do not seem to be keen on ensuring that each and every military officer and soldier gets an opportunity to exercise his franchise and is able to cast his vote in the elections. 

Hence, for no fault of theirs, most military personnel are denied their democratic right to vote in an election.

I feel that both the Election Commission of India and Defence Services must take initiatives to ensure that all military personnel are given proper opportunity to vote in the next elections, in 2013 and 2014.

It is only when “soldiers” start voting in large numbers, will politicians start taking genuine interest in the welfare of servicemen, ex-servicemen and their issues.

Till then, politicians will keep ignoring soldiers for the simple reason that soldiers are not votebanks.

I had written a blog post on this subject sometime back, on 27 July 2013.

I am reposting it below as requested by my young friends, and also for everyone else to read and reflect upon.

Musings on Improving the Military Electoral System

(The generic term “soldier” includes all uniformed security forces – soldiers, sailors, airmen, paramilitary and policemen) 

Yesterday was Kargil Diwas.

It was ignored by most politicians.

There is a perception that politicians do not care for soldiers.

Yes, they want soldiers to protect them, to lay down their lives in the line of duty.

As exemplified in the poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade” soldiers are expected to scrupulously follow the dictum:

Theirs is not to reason why, theirs is to do and die

Why do politicians ignore soldiers?

Politicians ignore soldiers because they are not a votebank.

Forget about not being a votebank – most soldiers don’t even vote.

As citizens of India, soldiers have a democratic right to vote in elections.

However, in actual practice, most personnel of the security forces (soldiers sailors airmen paramilitary and police) are denied their democratic right to adult franchise as a citizen of this nation because they are unable to cast their votes.

Soldiers don’t vote because they are deprived of their right to vote owing to an inefficient postal-ballot system.

The postal ballot system remains inefficient because senior officers are disinterested.

Apparently, many Senior Officers believe that being “apolitical” means that you should not vote.

Even 66 years after independence, there still remain traces of feudal culture, or should I say “colonial mindset”, in some senior officers.

These “Relics of the Raj” do not encourage or facilitate voting in the uniformed services because they feel that voting in an election is not important – some probably think that voting is undesirable.

This apathy of the services towards the electoral process results in “soldiers” being excluded as a voter during elections.

This exclusion of “soldiers” from democratic elections has other ramifications too.

You may have noticed that whenever there is an issue involving “Law-Enforcers” versus “Law-Breakers” many politicians tend to take up cudgels on behalf of the law-breakers.

This may sound bizarre, but haven’t you seen this happening?

Why should politicians (law-makers) espouse wrongdoers (law-breakers) and deprecate their own security forces and police (law-enforcers)?

The answer is simple.

“Law Breakers” are “votebanks” (or they influence votebanks) who will help politicians win elections.

In the present day political scenario, you matter only if you are a votebank and soldiers are not a votebank – in fact, soldiers don’t even vote.

At the local level too, politicians do not bother about soldiers from their own constituency, since the politicians know that these soldiers, serving at distant places, are not going to vote in the election.

India is a democracy and a soldier has a right to vote.

In view of his “nomadic” life due to frequent transfers, a soldier and his family are registered as “service voters” and are entitled to vote by postal ballot at their native place or hometown.

However, owing to the inefficiency of the present system, only a very small percentage of soldiers and their families are able to exercise their franchise.

Someone told me that it is the same situation in the paramilitary and police too, who are deployed on “election bandobast” duties far away from their homes and mostly they too miss out on voting.

Thus, due to factors beyond his control, a soldier is unable to cast his vote and loses his basic democratic right to exercise his franchise.

It may be interesting to find out the following information:

1. What percentage of “soldiers” and their families are registered as service voters?

2. How many “soldiers” and their families have actually cast their votes in the previous elections?

I am sure that these details can easily be found out and the results will be an eye-opener for the election commission.

You may find that in many cases soldiers and their families are not even registered as service voters (the onus of ensuring this lies with the respective superior officers).

And even amongst the few who are registered, many are deprived of their right to vote due to lapses in the postal ballot system.

Let me give you my own example.

After I joined the Navy, the moment I became 21 (the voting age those days) I was given a form to fill up to register as a service voter.

The Navy is very good at getting forms filled up.

Of course, what happens afterwards is another matter!

A few years later, there was an election and I eagerly awaited my postal ballot.

My postal ballot did arrive – but it arrived too late.

The envelope containing my postal ballot was delivered to me a few days after the election was over and the results had been declared.

I observed that in my ship, very few postal ballots came. Most of the individuals did not get their postal-ballots at all, and of the few that came, most postal ballots had arrived too late.

Due to this, hardly anyone was able to cast his vote.

After I got married, my wife also registered as a postal ballot voter, but she too was unable to vote in the next elections, since once again the postal ballots did not arrive in time.

The same thing happened again and again.

Either the postal ballots arrived too late or they did not come at all.

If you told your senior officers, they just laughed it off saying that anyway the elections were over and your vote did not matter.

If you have served in uniform, in the army, navy, air force, paramilitary or police, do tell us of your experience.

Did you and your family register as a service voter?

How many times in your career has your postal ballot arrived well in time?

How many times in your long service career have you actually voted in an election?

I am sure the Election Commission of India wants everyone to vote in elections and they are keen that service voters are able to exercise their franchise like any other citizen of the country.

Various initiatives like “proxy voting” have been tried but they have not borne the desired results and have been unsuccessful.

Unfortunately, the archaic voting method of postal ballots continues.

Yes, even telegrams have been discontinued but postal ballots still continue.

Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) have replaced paper ballots in India.

Introduction of EVMs in elections happened many years ago.

But nothing has been done to change the old postal ballot system.

Why can’t we have an electronic online voting system for service voters?

In today’s world, I am sure that information technology can be harnessed to enable a soldier to electronically cast his vote online from wherever he is located via the internet.

It can be easily ensured that all “soldiers” and their families are given the opportunity to exercise their franchise and cast their votes in the elections.

The technology, the connectivity, the expertise – everything is available.

Then why is electronic online voting for “service voters” not being implemented?

Well, as I said, it is a question of antiquated colonial mindset.

In the uniformed services, it is very easy to get things done – you pass orders and fix responsibility.

If the defence services could carry out a mammoth rescue operation in Uttarakhand which such alacrity, precision and efficiency, I am sure they can ensure that every “soldier” is able to vote in the next elections.

The onus of ensuring that every eligible individual is registered as a service voter and is able to exercise his franchise, by casting his vote on time, lies with the respective uniformed service.

At the micro level, Commanding Officers can be made responsible and held accountable for this – to ensure that all “soldiers” under their command register as voters and cast their votes in time.

“Returning Officers” can be appointed in every unit to supervise the electronic voting by soldiers and ensure smooth conduct of elections.

At the macro level, each service must liaise with the election commission to ensure 100% registration of eligible service voters and facilitate electronic voting by providing the necessary technological and human resources during elections.

In the same manner as they set up “pay commission cells”, each service must set up “election commission cells” tasked with ensuring 100% voting by “soldiers”.

Like they have in every state during elections, each uniformed service can appoint a Chief Electoral Officer responsible for the conduct of election in his service and reporting to the Election Commission for all election related matters.

Despite efforts of the election commission, due to archaic mindset of senior officers and consequent indifferent approach, it seems that most “soldiers” are not able to exercise their franchise and are being deprived of their basic democratic right of casting their vote in an election.

Service Voters must be able to vote in elections.

This is not an insurmountable task – the process, the technology, the resources, everything is readily available and the uniformed services are geared up to take on any task.

It is just a question of attitude and will.

Let’s hope things change positively and every “soldier” is able to vote in the ensuing 2014 Lok Sabha Elections.

In modern elections, with multiplicity of political parties and large numbers of candidates contesting in each constituency, victory margins are decreasing, and every vote is becoming important.

Maybe, when “soldiers” start voting in large numbers, will politicians start taking genuine interest in the welfare of servicemen, ex-servicemen and their issues.

Copyright © Vikram Karve 2013
Vikram Karve has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. 
© vikram karve., all rights reserved. 

All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.
Copyright © Vikram Karve 2013. All Rights Reserved

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About Vikram Karve

A creative person with a zest for life, Vikram Karve is a retired Naval Officer turned full time writer and blogger. Educated at IIT Delhi, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, The Lawrence School Lovedale and Bishops School Pune, Vikram has published two books: COCKTAIL a collection of fiction short stories about relationships (2011) and APPETITE FOR A STROLL a book of Foodie Adventures (2008) and is currently working on his novel and a book of vignettes and an anthology of short fiction. An avid blogger, he has written a number of fiction short stories and creative non-fiction articles on a variety of topics including food, travel, philosophy, academics, technology, management, health, pet parenting, teaching stories and self help in magazines and published a large number of professional  and academic research papers in journals and edited in-house journals and magazines for many years, before the advent of blogging. Vikram has taught at a University as a Professor for 15 years and now teaches as a visiting faculty and devotes most of his time to creative writing and blogging. Vikram Karve lives in Pune India with his family and muse - his pet dog Sherry with whom he takes long walks thinking creative thoughts.

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Twitter: @vikramkarve
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


  1. As always, your posts are thought provoking. Pardon my ignorance, I was not aware of the concept of postal ballot system.

    I can't agree more to your thoughts, they are completely in sync with mine.

    Politicians are shamelessly ignoring the saviors of our nation - our men in Forces.

    You know what, it may sound weird, but I hate to see our uniformed men saluting these politicians - do they deserve this respect? Do they command respect anymore?

    How can they forget Kargil Diwas? How can they forget Kargil war?

    I have my plans for 2014 elections - I have chosen my party - will empower a party that will serve the nation, not itself and its partymen. As an educated person, I will do my share of homework before casting my vote.

  2. Hi Monika,
    You are absolutely right - educated young persons need to do proper homework before voting, and vote in large numbers, otherwise there is no hope in the prevailing political environment of vote-bank politics.
    Also, I hope the election commission takes steps to ensure that all defence personnel are able to vote in the 2014 elections.


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