Wednesday, November 3, 2010

THE ESSENCE OF BLOGGING - A Love Story in Two Scenes - THEN and NOW

I once read somewhere that characteristics of good writing can be encapsulated in three factors (Writing Triad):

Similarly, the three characteristics of good blogging (Blogging Triad) are:
FREQUENCY (of posting)
BREVITY (of posts)
PERSONALITY (of the blog/blogger)

So let me introspect on my blogging - oh yes, I have been posting quite regularly so my blogging FREQUENCY is good; my blog has a distinctive PERSONALITY so that point is taken care of; it is the BREVITY aspect that I have to focus on - most of my posts are too long - that's the feedback some fellow bloggers gave me too. When reading online one doesn't have the same patience and concentration as one has while reading a book on printed paper.

From now on let me try some short and sweet posts - after all, "Brevity is the Soul of Wit". 

Let's see - some flash fiction, microfiction, short, short posts.

So, Dear Reader,  to set the ball rolling, here is a short and "sweet" fiction short story - do tell me if you liked it...


Dramatis Personae

Aditya: 30, a bright young upwardly mobile executive.

Anjali: 27, Aditya’s wife, also a high flier executive, working in a different firm.

Nisha: 26, Anjali’s classmate and friend, just arrived in town, looking for a new job.

Aditya calls up Anjali on her cell phone.

ADITYA: Hey, Anjoo, let’s drive down to Lakeview Gardens for dinner tonight.

ANJALI: Wow…the weather is lovely…it will be really amazing driving out there…let’s go to our favourite place…

ADITYA: Cupid’s Cove…?

ANJALI: Yeah…Cupid’s Cove…I love the ambience there… Okay, I’ll tell Nisha…

ADITYA: Nisha…? Why Nisha…? Why take her…? I thought just the two of us…a romantic evening together…Let’s not have kabab mein haddi…!

ANJALI: Please Adi…try to understand…she is all alone…this place is so new to her…poor girl…she is so lonely and all at sea…Nisha has no friends except us…please let’s take her…

And so the three of them, Aditya, Anjali, and "kabab mein haddi" Nisha, drive down to Cupid’s Cove in Lakeview Gardens for an enjoyable dinner…



Nisha calls up Aditya on his cell phone.

NISHA: Hey, Aditya, let’s drive down to Lakeview Gardens for dinner tonight.

ADITYA: Oh yeah…great idea…it is perfect weather for a lovely drive…it’ll be really amazing out there…let’s go to our favourite place…

NISHA: We’ll go to that lovely place…Cupid’s Cove…I love it out there…the atmosphere is so marvellous…

ADITYA: Okay…I’ll tell Anjali…

NISHA: Come on Aditya…why have kabab mein haddi let’s go…just the two of us…a romantic evening together…

ADITYA: What shall I tell Anjali…?

NISHA: The usual…working late…meetings…

ADITYA: Okay…I’ll ring her up…and I’ll pick you up at seven…the same place…

NISHA: I’ll be waiting for you…

And so the two of them, Aditya and Nisha, drive down to Cupid’s Cove in Lakeview Gardens for a romantic dinner…without the now "kabab mein haddi" Anjali, the oblivious wife, who stays at home wondering why her darling hubby Aditya and her best friend Nisha work so late so often... 

Dear Reader, do tell me if you liked this blog post...

Copyright © Vikram Karve 2010
Vikram Karve has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

VIKRAM KARVE educated at IIT Delhi, ITBHU, The Lawrence School Lovedale, and Bishop's School Pune, is an Electronics and Communications Engineer by profession, a Human Resource Manager and Trainer by occupation, a Teacher by vocation, a Creative Writer by inclination and a Foodie by passion. An avid blogger, he has written a number of fiction short stories and creative non-fiction articles in magazines and journals for many years before the advent of blogging. His delicious foodie blogs have been compiled in a book "Appetite for a Stroll". Vikram lives in Pune with his family and pet Doberman girl Sherry, with whom he takes long walks thinking creative thoughts.
Vikram Karve Creative Writing Blog -
Academic Journal Vikram Karve –
Professional Profile of Vikram Karve - 
Foodie Book: Appetite for a Stroll  

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