Thursday, March 29, 2018

Is “Utility Value” the only Value...?

Musings of a Veteran

In materialistic world of today 
 you must have a motive for doing something. 

You must “gain” something from doing an activity.

After all  you are investing your precious time, talent and effort in the activity.

So  you must get your RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI)

If you spend your time and effort pursuing some activity  you must derive some material gain from doing that activity.

There is a “Utility Value attached to everything.

You must “gain” something tangible  it can be POWER, WEALTH or FAME.

Mostly – it is Wealth or Money. 

Yes  in most cases the motive is MONEY (Wealth).

Many people ask me why I am wasting all my time and so much effort Blogging and Writing  when the same time and effort could be put to “good” use by me – doing something worthwhile to earn money. 

“You spend so much time and effort blogging... they say. 

And then 
 they ask me: 

What do you gain from blogging...? 

Other well-wishers say: 

Why don
t you monetize your blog...? At least you will earn some money for your efforts. 

Do people write and blog only to earn money...? 

Can’t people do things for self-actualization...? 

Is the aim of education solely to get a job...? 

Yes  that is the utility value of education. 

But – what about the joys of learning...? 

Doesnt education expose you to the joys of learning...?

Why can
t people understand that a person can do something for the sheer enjoyment of doing it 
 without any material gain or ulterior motive. 

Another person used to asked me why I spent so much time with my pet dog Sherry and why I looked after her so lovingly. (you can see Sherry with me in my profile picture)

“Are you making money by selling her pups..? he asked – and he was surprised when I told him that I did not have any intention of mating my dog.

Maybe – he had seen some persons who keep dogs as a business – and use their dogs as a means to make money by breeding them.

He could not believe it when I told him that I keep a dog just for the sheer love the dog bestows on me.

“But  what is the use of love...? What do you gain from love...? he asked me. 

This question got me thinking. 

What is the use of love...? 

What do I gain from love...? 

Well – love creates positive vibes in me – love generates inner happiness.

Why do we try and analyse the utility value in each and every thing  even love...?

Does love have a utility value...?

What is the “Utility Value of Love...?

Let me quote an Urdu couplet I heard long back. 

(I cannot translate it exactly – but I will try to give you the gist)

Someone asked a lover:

इश्क का क्या फायदा  (What do you gain from love...?)

The lover replied:

फायदे का क्या फायदा  (What do you gain from gain...?)

Why do we look for profit or reward in anything we do...? 

Why do we have expectations in a relationship...?

Yes  even in relationships we see a utility value.

Why do we always expect a RETURN ON INVESTMENT...? 

Why can
t we do something just for the sake of doing it  for the sheer enjoyment of that activity  just like we do  in the case of true love or इश्क 

Do we look for Return on Investment when we love someone...? 

What do you gain from love...? 

What do you gain from gain”...?

इश्क का क्या फायदा ...?

फायदे का क्या फायदा ...?

Would some connoisseur of Urdu Sher-Shairi (philosophical poet) be so good as to translate and interpret this couplet for us in a better way please. 

Dear Reader: 

Do you look for utility value in everything...? 

I eagerly await your comments. 

Copyright © Vikram Karve 
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

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