Friday, January 25, 2013


Early this morning, while on my walk with my pet dog Sherry on the lush green lawns of the lovely riverside park at Wakad on the banks of the tranquil Mula River, I heard this melodious song on Vividh Bharati (Bhule Bisere Geet).

And since then I am humming this lovely song and my spirits are uplifted. 

This one song made my day.

It is so easy to be happy, isn't it? 

Good music, just one song, is all that it takes to make you happy.

Dear Reader: Why don't you click below and hear this lovely song from the Movie Namaste Jee

Well, I could find the audio version only (as there seems to be no video version on the internet). But that doesn't matter. Just click below, close your eyes, listen to this beautiful enlivening song, and see how your spirits are uplifted and you feel good and become happy and your day is made. 

Wish you a happy weekend.

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