Tuesday, July 31, 2012

HAUNTING MELODY - My Favorite Rafi Song - Oonche Log - Jaag Dil-e-Deewana - Mohd.Rafi

My Favorite Mohammed Rafi Song

In the year 1965 I saw a movie called OONCHE LOG.
Oonche Log was a unique suspense film with three stylish heroes Ashok Kumar, Raaj Kumar and Feroz Khan pitted against each other in high drama.  

But the most remarkable thing about Oonche Log is this fantastic song sung by Mohd Rafi and filmed on Feroz Khan - JAAG DIL E DEEWANA.

The song has a haunting melody and I keep humming this song so often even till today. 

So, dear reader, today on the 31st of July, the death anniversary of Mohammed Rafi, here is my favourite Mohd Rafi Song - JAAG DIL-E-DEEWANA from a film called OONCHE LOG  (the music director is Chitragupta).

Just click below and I am sure you will enjoy the song on YouTube.

This is one of Rafi's unique songs - a difficult song yet such a smooth rendition by the inimitable Mohd Rafi.

Keep Humming and Enjoy your day.

1 comment:

  1. I have always been a fan of your super blog and not just because of the Navy connection. But, now that we have something more in common in our love for Mohammad Rafi songs you have me hooked. Keep it up


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