Tuesday, June 26, 2012



What is the use of Blogging and Tweeting (which is Micro Blogging).

Blogging satisfies the human need to communicate.

There are times when you want to say something. But no one wants to listen to you – there is no one available to listen to you, or no one is ready to listen to what you want to say.

So whatever you want to say, you write it on your Blog or Tweet it on your Twitter Account.

And you feel happy. You have got what you wanted to say off your chest and your need to communicate is satisfied.

Unexpressed communication can become a pent-up need.

Bottled-up needs can cause internal stress and turmoil.

Blogging allows you to release these pent-up needs, and that too in a creative and satisfying way.

So maybe blogging is cathartic in nature and has a positive bearing on your health, especially your mental and emotional wellbeing. That's why I say: A Blog a Day keeps the Doctor Away.  

Of course, there may be other reasons and benefits of Blogging and Tweeting – but those are secondary by-products.

The chief reason for Blogging (and Tweeting) is because Blogger and Twitter provide you a simple and reliable platform to communicate – yes, you Blog because Blogging satisfies your need to communicate.

Happy Blogging. Happy Tweeting.


  1. Hi

    I am in total agreement :)

    When we moved to Singapore I was at home with my baby and all I could see all around were huge tall concrete towers and not many faces. Blogging helped me so much by providing a means to communicate with people

  2. Hi Jayashree,
    Hey, I felt the same when I landed up in the back of beyond in a lonely place called Girinagar in 2008 (as a forced bachelor) and that is when I started blogging in earnest and made so many friends, first in cyberspace, many of whom became real life friends too.
    Blogging (and social networking too) is a boon in today's world of loneliness.
    Thanks for your comment
    Keep Blogging

  3. Dear Sir,

    I have been blogging for over a year and it seems to have given me a new lease of life. It has given me another reason to continue my battle with the perpetual trickster called life.

    Your post has further strengthened my belief in blogging :-)

  4. @ Murtaza - Thanks for your comment. I am glad you find blogging a fulfilling activity.


I Write and I Blog because I want to say something.
I also want to hear what you have to say, especially about what I have written.
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