Saturday, October 27, 2012


Changing Moral Values and New Codes of Conduct
CORRUPTION - An Accepted Way of Life in India

We watch with a sense of helpless amusement the familiar pattern of dealing with grand corruption, as scam after scam unfolds with alarming frequency.

1. The powers-that-be let the scam happen, though they seem to know all about it. 

They just look the other way and do not do anything hoping that the scam will never be discovered

It appears that in most cases scams are never discovered and the scamster gets away with the loot.

2. Sometimes a scam is discovered, either by the media, or auditors or by a whistle-blower

The first response is to go into denial mode and say that the allegations are baseless and deny any wrongdoing. 

Meanwhile, the scamster has already stashed away the loot, maybe he has even “invested” it or sent it abroad.

3. This tactic of remaining in denial does work in some cases. 

But if it does not work and the heat gets too much, then an inquiry or investigation is ordered. 

The investigation or inquiry goes on interminably for so long that the scam is forgotten.

Skillful media management also helps to “bury” the scam. 

Meanwhile cronies vigorously defend the scamster and keep saying the oft repeated line: “Let law take its own course”

Sometimes, due to lack of evidence or lack of interest, after a few years, the case is closed.

After all public memory is short and there are so many scams going on that a new scam soon replaces the earlier scam in capturing people’s attention.

4. If the powers-that-be are not successful in burying the scam, then the investigation and trial continues for years and years. 

Since the scamster has already squirreled away the loot, the nation’s money is never recovered. 

Even is the crook is found guilty he gets a very nominal punishment. 

He immediately appeals against the punishment in higher courts and in most cases he gets bail and is a free man. 

Sometimes, the scamster dies during the the trial while the case goes on and on for many years.

5. During this entire process the scamster brazenly goes about his business and moves around in society as if nothing has happened. 

Unfortunately, in today’s society, there is absolutely no social stigma attached to white collar crimes like corruption and economic offences.

Hence, scamsters, particularly the high and mighty, are accepted with great veneration and accorded status in high society.

6. The common man loses faith in the system and there is no deterrence for the crooks and scamsters who get emboldened to commit even greater scams more audaciously. 

Owing to its helplessness, the society develops a “chalta hai” attitude towards scams, scandals and corruption. 

Owing to all this corruption becomes an accepted way of life.

Look at the news every day, on TV and in newspapers, talk to people, and you will realize that, at least in India, Corruption is no longer an issue for the common man who has started accepting corruption as a way of life. 

It is time to change our moral values and rewrite our codes of ethics. 

Let us be practical - there is no point being hypocritical. Why teach our children that Honesty is the Best Policy when they can see that it is not so in real life. Why confuse our children?

If we want our children to prosper in the world of today, then it is time to teach them how to be corrupt and thick-skinned and train them in the art of getting rich quickly by nefarious means.

The only way corruption can be contained is to elect honest individuals as MP / MLA / Corporator / Elected Representative to Parliament, Legislatures, Municipal Corporations and Village Panchayats. 

But as long as we continue to vote based on caste, creed, religion, community, and we let vote bank politics thrive, the corrupt will continue to get elected and corruption will continue to proliferate.  

1 comment:

  1. Vikram, I think the first crack in the vicious cycle happens when there will be some enlightened individuals in politics - who in todays politics can be termed as honest? Who do we vote for? That is the first step....


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